Need help putting together a bedroom system

Now that my main system is headed down the right path I'd like to fix up a bedroom system to replace a crappy old teac minisystem. I have a bunch of gear from older systems which is all too unweildy for my bedroom and not amazingly synergistic:

A pair of Mission 783s (floorstanders with the woofers on the sides)
MIT Terminator 2 speaker cable
An old carver MX150 receiver (150 wpc)
A pair of blueroom minipods
1 Pr. Homegrown Audio ICs
No Source!

I don't have a ton of room so the Missions are a challenge b/c they need a good amount of space to breath, and even then they're hard to position. I like the looks of the Blueroom Minipods, which are fun, but they don't sound so great. The carver is just too big and it also needs some repairs which I'm hesitant to shell out for because it's been in and out of the shop a lot. I had a Nad c541i which I loved, but had to sell to pay for the SCD-1.

I tend to listen to more folk/jazz/soul in my bedroom so I don't need a ton of power, and would actually welcome a warmish sound. I'm also intrigued about tubes (onix? Primaluna? Jolida?...there are a bunch of Chinese ones that fit the bill but worried about reliability), but would look at SS options to

Any recommendations on a nice small integrated that would be around $300-500 used and has a remote and a CDP for around the same price?

Also, should I stick with the missions, or the minipods? I could sell both, but then what to replace them with?

I'll be upfront and say that I could probably compile a list of CDPs and integrateds, but I'm curious what you all are using or are fans of in this situation, and then what CDPs/Integrates would mesh well with my speakers, or if I should sell everything and reinvest in a new system (which leaves me with too many options).

Thanks for your help, and sorry for my typically long-winded questions!
I like low power digital amps and efficient speakers for the bedroom. Great sound for the type of music you mentioned. Cheap to buy($100 for a 30wpc tripath)and cheap to operate. You can leave it on while you sleep and it runs cool and sucks almost no power.
There's lots of fine sounding single driver speakers out there that work perfect for this type of setup.
Our bedroom system is

Jolida JD100 CDP
Jolida 302B integrated
Meadowlark Kestrel 2
Harmonic Tech and Tara cables
PS Audio Humbuster 2
Lovan stands

pure tube bliss
Just mimick Stevecham's system. I know the CD player and integrated go together like a dream for budget prices. The rest of the stuff I'll trust him on.
Thanks everyone...I think the Jolida stuff is the way to go considering my price range. I'm going to sell both sets of speakers (if anyone's intersted in them let me know) and maybe go with the totem rainmakers after saving up some more scratch.

Thanks everyone,
