Need monitors with a BIG sound

Well, the better half just found out the size of the Vandy 2c's I purchased & is NOT pleased. Seeing how I can get rid of speakers easier than her I need to demo a few monitor sized speakers to see if I can find the same big sound in WAF speaker. The monitors can be pretty big but not as big as the Vandy's so a mini-monitor is probably out of the question. Right now I'm running a pair of B&W DM303's on loan from a friend. I'm not overly impressed with these at the moment b/c of the lack of bass in particular & veiled sound they offer. I listen to mostly live recordings of "rock & roll" (i.e. similar to the Grateful Dead) & like nice tight powerful bass with excelent imaging. I'll have a CJ MF2200 & DNA-1 to run the speakers with my CJ PV10AL pre-amp. My intent is to sell one of the amps after I settle on a speaker that will fit our smallish living room that is 14'X 16' X 7'. You guys haven't let me down yet so fire away.
These are reknown for having a huge soundstage and usable bass down to 32hz...check out stereophile archives for review...hard speaker to audition because of limited dealers etc...but worth the effort...and you could probably could live without a sub...I love the Spendors like many have suggested...but going from a Vandersteen to a Spendor is a substantial loss in bass(talking octaves)...the Meadowlark Swift is a small floorstander that goes full range...and you dont have to buy stands...always the "hidden" cost in monitor...good luck...
Red Rose (Levinson) Rosebuds sound BIG, BIG, BIG! Bigger than B&W 602's.
There must be someone here at Audiogon who has heard them to second me on this one.
Much better sound than M20 except I thought the bass was overdone and annoyed me on some songs. Also Red Rose had them way out into room and I don't know how they will be close to a wall.
Unfortunately about $1,900 used but you should at least give them a listen.
These have both been mentioned, but I'll second the Red Rose R3 and Audio Physic Spark III. I own both and listen in a small room, and these both perform well with nearfield listening. Surprisingly, the R3's seem to have a bit more bass than the Sparks, but the Sparks have a little smoother top end. Both of these speakers also do a good job with pop/rock since they have that clean, tight mid-bass. These are also both beatiful speakers that your wife might like!