need opinions on new cdp

greetings,i am looking to upgrade my Jolida 100cdp.Ive narrowed it down to either Sim Audio Super Nova,AR CD3 or the Bat VKD5...they all come in just a few hundred dollars apart.I can probably hear the audio research here but i suppose not in my system..looking for the more dynamic,musical player.Will be matched with a Bryston 14bsst,DeHavilland Ultra Verve and Tyler Linbrook sig.Any thoughts would really help decide.
Jkalman - Did you actually compare and A-B the BAT to the AR CD3 or Sim Audio Super Nova? I am interested because I've heard the BAT Vk-D5 (6922 tubes) recently. (This was Not the "SE" version). I've also heard the Super Nova and the Audio Research CD3 MKII. But none were on the same system. So it's hard to draw any meaningful conclusions.

I liked the BAT VK-D5's soundstage depth, bass, detail and musicality. It displayed more air than my Bluenote Koala Tube CD Player. I've heard the BAT CD player twice and it never failed to impress me. That is not to say that the Ayre isn't better. I heard the BAT VK-D5 on an all BAT system using VK31SE Pre and BAT VK250 Amp, Cardas Cabling throught. The presentation was warm, but quite involving, spacious and musical.

The Super Nova was played through Sim Audio Amps and Martin Logan Vantage speakers. It was incredibly romantic and musical as well.

The Audio Research CD3 MKII may have impressed the most. IT was played on an all Audio Research system with Wilson Benesch Curve speakers. It was quite remarkable that it is not a tube CD Player. It had everything going on. Bass, soundstage, excellent instrument placement, vocals were right size and not bigger than life, ecellent detail and air.

I've read many reports that the Ayre's tend to be quite detailed, and perhaps dry and somewhat analytical. I welcome your comments.
i owned the bat vk d5 and reviewed the sim audio eclipse. i found both players a bit harsh and unforgiving. i recently sold my bat player and am looking for another cd player.

i brought my bat player to a friend's system and he felt that the oil filled caps and the 6 volt tubes were responsible for the harshness in the cd player.

i preferred the audio research cd1 to the cd3, as the former provided a smoother presentation.

i am considering the Melody Hifi player, the Lector 0.6 and the Prima Luna Prologue 8.
I was wondering if you have heard the Bluenote Stibbert in comparison to the other units? I have been thinking about purchasing it. Bob
I own an ARC CD3MkII and it is a very dynamic and musical player. However, it is best run balanced. If your setup doesn't allow for balanced connection between cd player and preamp, don't bother with ARC as you will get at the most 85% of its performance.
Baranyi - I have not heard the Stibbert. The dealer I bought my Koala from said they liked the Koala as much or better than the Stibbert. Allegedly it has a lot of the same technology. But I think the Stibbert has a better power supply, and of course, the suspension.

The Bluenote Koala is very dynamic, detailed, quick, has amazing deep bass. For a tube CD player, it has the quickness of a solid state player, but with some tube sweeetness on the highs that make them very neutral and non-fatiguing. It's Very nice sounding player. I simply prefered the BAT. My main complaint about the Bluenote is the remote. It is very directional and takes a few button pushes to get it to engage. (yes I tried new batteries) But once the music starts playing ...mmmm. sweet. If you like a front row presentation, the Bluenote Koala will blow your mind. If you prefer a more laid back sound, look elsewhere. FYI - I am likely going to sell my Koala and try something else.