Need to replace my Denon 2910, have $400?

I have $400 to spend on a new player and would like to see if I can get an upgrade over my old Denon 2910. Its been an incredible player but it no longer reads disks :(

Any suggestions are great!

Denon 2910
Onix SP3
AV123 Strata Minis
Used 3910 will be under $300. now.
A 3910ci (or whatever the 1080p one is) will be under $400.
I picked up a 3910 locally used for $250. as a spare to my 5910 Denon DVD.
Were you using the 2910 as a universal player for music and DVD video? If so and you want a brand new univ player with $400.00, you may have to purchase preowned. There are plenty here on Audiogon & Videogon. If you're looking for just a music CDP and brand new, then the Marantz CD5004 for $350.00 is an excellent choice. Great reviews. The NAD C515BEE is another great choice for $300.00 brand new.
Ill just be using it for music, nothing else. I actually dont even care much about the SACD/DVD-A. Ill look into the Marantz, is it regarded as a better sounding option than the Denons?