New Audio Research Reference 150 SE

I just heard from my AR dealer that a new Reference 150 SE that uses KT150s will start shipping out in early March. Did I miss this on another forum or is this new news? This might explain why they have not endorsed using the KT 150s in the current Reference lineup.
I have an old (1980's) ARC Classic 60 that I'm using as a spare while awaiting my new REF-75. The tech I use went completely through the CL-60 ... and its sounding fantastic. Very musical and lush. Three dimensional as all get out too. But compared to the REF-75 with the KT-150 tubes I just sold, its no contest. The CL-60 is kind of a cross between classic tube gear (warm & lush) and more modern gear. If you like movies done in Technicolor, you'd like the CL-60. And hey ... who doesn't like Technicolor movies? Remember the original of The Wizard of Oz? The REF-75, on the other hand, transcends tubes and solid state and just gets out of the way of the music. The REF-75 comes closer to NO AMP than any amp I've had in my system. To me, the ARC advancements are clearly dramatic improvements over the years ... and I for one am happy to follow the upgrade path.

I would expect the break-in time is comparable to the original REF-75. About 500 hours for total break in. Ugg. By the way, there is a break in period for those KT-150's you bought. I heard an initial improvement with my tube replacement too. Then they just kept improving through 100 hours of use.

The REF-75 didn't ship. I was expecting it to arrive today, but ARC is still waiting for the custom SE badges that go on the amps to clear customs. So ... maybe I'll have the amp by the end of next week. I hope.

Stay tuned ...
Oregonpapa ... yea ... keeping am eye on this thread. Very much looking forward to your early comments. Thanks for being an early guinea pig test subject. Try to stay objective. My upgrade will be almost twice the cost of yours and I'm kinda' relying on objective feedback.

Btw, how much did you harvest on the "old" KT-150s? I gather you sold them. If so, on eBay or A'gon???

Thanks. I'm kinda' livin' the experience vicariously through you. :)
Bifwynne ...

On the "old" amp's KT-150s ... I sold the amp with the KT120's that the 150's replaced.Still some good mileage left in those 120's for the new owner. The KT-150's were very low mileage, and just broken in, so at $100.00 per pop, I thought it best to keep them for spares. In other words, when the tubes in the REF-75SE need replacement, I'm already set. I gave the buyer of the REF-75 a smokin' deal, so he was fine with the KT120's .... He's going to order a set of KT150's for himself, if he hasn't already done so. My philosophy in negotiations is for everyone to walk away from the table feeling like they got a fair shake. This is a far cry from those whose thinking is ... "I win, and you lose. I suspect from your posts that our thinking is similar.

I'll keep you posted on the new amp when it arrives. If my source can be believed, and I have ultimate faith in him, AND his ears, all I can say is ... get out your checkbook. *lol*

Take care ..