New cartridge - Benz Micro or Ortofon Cadenza?

I have listened to a number of carts in two different systems, and the two that stood out were the Benz Micro L2 wood and the Ortofon Cadenza Black. It is unfortunately not possible for me to compare them directly in the same system.

My impressions were that the Benz Micro sounded lush and warm, which hopefully would not be too much of a good thing, whereas the Ortofon was dynamic and more neutral without being too analytical.

My dealer suggested that if I like the Benz Micro L2, I should also consider the BM Copper.

Any thought, suggestions or recommendations?
Mulveling you make a good point "a touch of warmth, which I consider to sound very natural."

I like that as well, the only hesitation I have with cartridges is the inability to hear in your system, on your table with your tonearm, in your room. So once you commit you are locked in. I have heard the bronze on 2 incredible systems as I mentioned and they were both IMO best in show. Obviously the whole is the sum of the parts.

Maybe I put the bronze back on the list for when the Jubilee poops out, though it still seems to have plenty of life fortunately.
Simply too many variables and subjective tastes to give a recommendation. Cartridge suspensions get stiff and the stylist wear down over time. Reading comparisons as a result of replacement of older cartridges is questionable at best.

I have been using the Benz upgrade path for years and am now using the S-Class Ruby Z. If the Benz S-Class is any indication, cartridge technology as a whole, has advanced a great deal in a few short years.

My family uses the turntable regularly and the likelihood of day to day handling has the left channel output from the cartridge somewhat compromised.

It's rumored that due to the small production staff at Benz, re-tipping and repair are very slow if they are being done at all. That leaves one with only the replacement option. While it's better than nothing it's an economic reality I'm currently forced to consider.
Transfiguration Phoenix more musical ,better stage width and depth,better bass definition.
You should also consider Lyra carts at this price range. They are phenomenal!!!
Happy listening!
I have played the Cadenza Bronze for approximately 100 hours now and am extremely pleased with it. I recently went through an experimental phase with a Manley Chinook, Herron VTPH-2, Lyra Delos and Cadenza Bronze. The Chinook/Delos was my current system at the time and is an excellent combination. However, I found the Herron/Delos combination to be too detailed/fatiguing for my ears and the Chinook/Cadenza Bronze a little too warm for my tastes. At the end of the day, I found the Herron/Cadenza to give me everything I was looking for and that combination remains in my system.