New Digital Switching Amplifiers

Anyone had the luxury of comparing any of these fine digital switching amplifiers to eachother or to other high end amplifiers such as Pass, Krell etc?

Channel Islands Audio
PS Audio GCA
I agree. I believe he is assuming that this genre of amps has not improved any in the last 20 years.

It has.......I wouldn't waste my time with them if they hadn't.

As for "conversion".........some types do. The PCM/PWM ones do. Mostly, they just modulate the power supply, which is all that any amp does to begin with. It is just a different form of modulation.

I do not understand how they "only transmit white noise". Waiting for an explanation on that one. RFI, yes they do produce that. Some of us go to great lengths to eliminate it.

As for "cheap". Yes, some are. About the only real cost eliminated is the heat sink. You can get by with a smaller power transformer, as you don't have to heat the atmosphere at idle. Other than that, they are not that much cheaper to build.

Well, the goods ones aren't........
To follow up on the conversion issue. What requires more conversion, digital to analog or PCM to PWM? Like it or not, digital is probably the most popular source.
Eldartford, yes I'm aware of that. In fact it seems as though very few do. My question was earnst. Which process involves the greatest amount of conversion? Perhaps a better question, might be which conversion is the least detrimental?