New Eagles on HD Tracks?

Anyone tried the hi-rez download of The Eagles Studio Albums from HD Tracks yet? How do they sound? I thought that the asking price is a little pricey; complete box set is only $30 on Amazon...
I bought an entire Studio Albums in 24/192 and thought it sounded very good - certainly better than the redbook versions.

However, I prefer the Hi-rez tracks on an earlier 2012 released of the Hotel California Album. My DVD-A rip of the Hotel California Album in 24/96 also sounds better than the new 2013 Hi-rez Studio Albums. Comparing the same hi-rez track, I notice the sound of the new download to be slightly less dynamics and a little softer around edge. Bass notes are nicely extended but doesn't have the same texture & punch as the earlier versions. Overall it is still a very good and superior sounding compared to the redbook edition.
Bought it last Saturday so I have not done serious comparison album by album or with the pretty good sounding Very Best compilation that i had. Initial impression is that it does sound very good indeed with vocals and instrumentation and heard harmony voices and details revealed that I did not recall ever hearing.
Some of these tracks will make it to my Sampler playlist.