New Gallo 3.5's

Prototypes of new Gallo 3.5's being shown at CES. I have the 3.1's and am a big fan. These new Gallo's look really nice. May even convert some of you high enders out there who snub Gallo speakers. Go to link:
I see the price went up quite a bit on this new model.

Just trying to help you with the link for the members that would like to see the pictures :
What ever happened to the Gallo 5s?? Those were designed as a dipole.A few pictures were available,then the speakers disappeared.What gives.
I'm a big fan of 3.1's being an owner myself...I think they should have grown a bit in height. Would love to hear them and compare.

The 5s are still in the works, actually says they are "shipping now" on the web site...