New Receiver or New Amp?

I currently have a Denon AVR-85 receiver (85W x 5 at 8 ohm) pushing a pair of Dynaudio 1.8 MKII speakers that I just purchased. The receiver cannot handle 4 ohm loads very well (the manual says it could damage speakers with loads greater than 6 ohms), so I am trying to decide what to do. Should I buy a new receiver, like a NAD T761, that will handle 4 ohm loads, or should I use my Denon as a pre amp and purchase a decent amp (e.g. Bryston 3B ST or 4B ST, or NAD 218 THX or S200)? I listen to about 60/40 HT to 2 channel and don't blast either very often.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
IF you're planning on moving up(?) to separates, then the new amp makes sense. If you want to stay single box, it might be cheaper to sell the Denon and buy the NAD. Given the choice between Bryston and NAD, I'd prefer the Bryston, but that's just my ears talking, you may very well prefer the NAD.

Thanks chas. What about the Musical Fidelity 3CR? Would it push the Danes? Also, some have recommended the Odessey Stratos. Have any experience with these?
I don't have the specs to hand on these pieces, so I can't comment specifically. You can get the requisite data points from the respective web sites (See the Manufacturers list here on Audiogon - it's a wonderful thing!) Cursorily, either of the two new amps you mention probably can handle the load in two channel, but what their ht config/performance is I can't say. Since you're now asking specifically about amps, have you decided for separates? And do you have a preferred price point?
