New sonus faber Cremona M version


Saw that sonus faber has made a new version of the cremona called the cremona M.

Have enybody heard thise .

Just got home from the second demo the have now had around 350 hours of musical beating at loude volume.

We tried both with the ear findly primear gear as well as the 50.000 usd marantz setup.

I was even more disapointed then the first time.

This has nothing to do with a musical instrument, or a emotional sound. .
In other words its the opposit of the org cremona.
Its brittel , lean and the mid/top keeps robing my atension with anoying hard sounds.
Honestly after 15 minuts i felt like turining it of and go home.
The diddnet sound horribly but nowhere nere the old cremona .

Im glad i gave it another chance because now i know i have made a very wise move not buying it.

That the magic is franco serblins work and not the brand sonus faber.

I was told that franco serblin did infact more or less design the elipsa, but left soon after , and the new M versions is designed by a completly new team, and it was mighty fast the made the new line.

Im buying a use pair from germany and the will arrive next thursday.
It is your VERY SUBJECTIVE opinion.

To my ears new Cremona M is a better speaker then old version. New one sounds IMHO to some degree like Amati Anniversario and that is a nice thing.

Even old Cremona sound lean if you compare it to Stradivari Homage for example.
You like old schools SF sound? Then either Stradivari or Guarneri Memento could be for you since both to my ears sound as close as possible to old school SF sound...
Hi barnimir

Your are absolutly right its my owen oppinion some may disagree with me and like it.

But my oppinion and personal findings are the same none the less.

This may come to you as a chock but i dont like the sound of the anniversary that much , mostly because of its tweeter , i prefere the homage for overall musicality and warmness .

And i prefere the orginal cremona over the amati homage for my linn klimax gear.

Im happly setteling on the cremona because i love there sound ,and see what franco serblin will come out in a couple of years maybe.

Tda2200, I think you should consider yourself lucky; you know what you like & you'll save $$$ to boot. Also, newer does not always mean better when individual preferences are factored in. Enjoy!
My advice is spend all the time it takes to make sure that you make the absolut right decision , dont listen to enybody trust your own ears.

And take reviews with a kilo of salt, dynamic speaker drivers dont improve enormusly as years go by , the magic still lies in the crossover layout and crossover component kvality and have you combine it with the drivers.

The org cremona uses proberly the best drivers in the world namly the top of the line sacn speak revalator units, only moddified, the crossover is mundorf supreme wich is also proberly the the best crossover components in the world.
Just becaue the new one uses different units and cheaper crossover parts dossnet make it better only alot of people will by it because its NEW.

The org cremona is to cheap for what it dos, franco never was a sells man he toke the best there was at a given time and perfected it, as stated before i prefere the cremona over the amati homage.

And basicly the org cremona is also technicaly a better speak , do to the use of the better revelator drivers.
The tweeter in the cremona sounds better then the r2900 version wich is in the stradivari , but its problem is its cheaper there for it must be worse.
But rmember this unit was higly moddified and has littel to do with the stock vifa xt25.
I like it better becaue its much more silky and smooth, and less detaljd/analytical.

Luckily for us sonus faber placed the cremona under the homage series and gave it a cheaper look and finish and there for the price was set low.