New Speakers up to $15k - The more I read the less I know!

I am looking to upgrade my speakers and I am in search of guidance. I presently have B&W 803S and I find that these are excellent speakers and have really responded as I have steadily upgraded my system. I am now looking to buy speakers that will disappear, image and sound as neutral as possible. The 803's are close. 

My system is: ARC REF110 w KT120s, ARC LS27, ARC PH8, VPI Aries 3 fully upgraded, Lyra Delos, Rega Saturn CD, Oppo Sonica DAC, AQ Water & Niagara IC's, REL R528se Sub and more...

Actually, the ARC REF110 and B&W's are a much better match that I would have ever thought and the amp has plenty of power to drive at very high levels. I mainly listen to analog. 

I am looking at Vandy Treo CT, Quatro Wood CT, B&W 802D (used) but I need more ideas... I would prefer to buy new but I will look at used if the right deal presents itself. I am leaning towards the Quatro Wood CT so if anyone has experience with these and a REF 110...?

Thank you.
Ag insider logo xs@2xpilrem
ctsooner said... " the Quatro should be in the 25k range (with a carbon midrange upgrade)."

ct...I do appreciate your input and sharing that knowledge with us in concern of the Quatro CT...sounds like a great speaker system indeed.

But,I have to ask you really think with the addition of the carbon midrange it could possibly justify a $10,000.00 + price increase for the Quatro? That would be one uber- expensive drive unit!!!

Many good suggestions above.  I'm very fond of the Vandy 5A Carbon's, Legacy Aeris, Maggies & Sanders.  I own Totem Mani-2's and absolutely LOVE them (though they needs lots of Watts, like Maggies).

But NoNoise wins the prize.  You have to go an audition a bunch of speakers & figure out YOUR favorites.  Just make sure you choose spkrs. that are a good match form your amp.  If the spkrs. are your system's "lungs", then amp is its "heart".  They need to work well together.  

BTW, I've seen NoNoise's post in several threads, and I want to cite him as one of the most reasonable posters in Audiogon.

Hi Pilrem
I agree with the DeVore Brand. If you have the patience try to find a used pair of Silverbacks. If not then check out the Gibbon X. For 15K the best investment you will ever make, perhaps the last if you match them with the right set of cables. The Frequency response is only matched by speakers 2-3x the price.

I am not a spokesman, but have witnessed first hand comparisons of the DeVore's to other speakers. I started out with B&W a great starter but as you grow you look for better options especially with the gear you have. Best of luck
Check out Thales Cables
Is there a speaker with flatter frequency response, better imaging or that disappears better at ~$15k than KEF Reference 3? I am not particularly a fan or a detractor, but it certainly fits the bill.