New Thiel Speakers - Post Jim Thiel Era

I see that Thiel has a couple of new speakers coming out. Are these speakers a new Jim Thiel-less speakers? Anyone know how these sound?
TT3 and TM3.
So far the "new' Thiel still has the same great Thiel service. I have talked to Tim DeYoung, Gary's replacement at Thiel, and he is very helpful and a really nice guy. I was talking to him about my CS 5's, which I had recently purchased,and he was quite knowledgeable and very frank. On another occasion I emailed service and was contacted by the new sales manager himself, on a weekend.
I've had Thiels since 1981, from 03a's to 2.2's to 2.3's to 2.4's and finally, the great CS 5. I don't see a falloff in Thiel service.
The speakers will speak, or hopefully sing, for themselves!
As critical as I've been about their new (mis)direction, I should say that I recently sent a couple of e-mails to them, and received a very prompt, polite and satisfactory responses.
I also had very nice & prompt replies recently concerning questions between my 2.7's I own now & 3.7's I was thinking about purchasing. I received very long & detailed answers to my questions. Very satisfied with my customer service provided by Thiel.

Not sure where their new adventure will take them, but I will remain a happy Thiel customer for a very long time. I hope they can mix their newest efforts with the time tested results of the great Jim Thiel.
I love my old 1.2's and thought of upgrading to 1.7's but now I problably won't. I hope the company survives, but Jim Thiel was the visionary for the unique speakers they produced. With him gone, that vision is also gone, and they may be left with just a good cabinet-making facility. If there is nobody to take his place as the technical leader, they could become just another producer of box-style speakers with off-the shelf drivers and nothing unique about them. That is alot of speculation and I hope that doesn't happen, but it will be interesting to see what direction they go in.