Newbie que on "recommended amplifier" rating

I currently have 4 Vienna Acoustics Bachs which, on Vienna's website, have an amplification recommendation of 30-200w. I am currently looking for an amp/pre to replace my very sad Onkyo receiver. I listen to 95%music and 5%home theater, but I really enjoy multichannel SACD and DVD-audio so I am looking for 5 channel amps like theta, simaudio and EAD. I like the pm 2000 for the money but it is rated at 400w into 8ohms and my Bach's are 6ohms so they would be seeing even more than that. In fact, even the theta and sim audio, which are 200w @8ohms would be above the recommended amplification into 6ohms. I want an amp that I can "grow into" (i.e. works with my next set of speakers) as well, not one tailored to Bach's specifically.
My long winded question is: Will these amps damage my speakers and, if not, where do these recommended amplifier ratings come from?
Since we are on this subject, how much power can a pair of Bose 901's handle ? I think that, ever since the Series IV, Bose has stated "unlimited power handling capabilities". Is that because the 24 gauge wiring inside the cabinets limits power transfer or do they have actual light bulbs inside of them to absorb voltages above a certain point ? While this would result in dynamic compression of the speaker, they did this with the earlier versions of 201's, 301's, 601's, etc... Obviously, this was done as a matter of protection and the resultant loss in sound quality was of little concern. I don't know if this "high tech" approach ever made it into the 901's though. Sean

PS... I managed to blow a 901 up way back when, but they were the original version and "only" rated at 270 watts rms. When an amp rated at 350 wpc ( Phase Linear 700B ) swings the meters FULLY off scale, you have to wonder how much power that really is : ) Sean
Sean, even then? I only hope your craze for power is limited to audio. Wait a minute, I remember reading about some of your previous automobiles. Remember... I'm on your side... we're bud's, right? Seriously, did they actually put light bulbs in their speakers? I've heard of diodes being used, but jeesh. I know Bose threatened to sue Thiel over the use of a decimal point. Do you think they'd actually go after GE or Phillips if a blown bulb blew their guarantee?
Sean actually is Tim Allen in real life. You know, Tim 'The Tool Man' Taylor. MORE POWER! urgh urgh urgh.

I was going to ask what is a Bose 901? But I thought some may take me seriously.

Yes, Bose did put light bulbs in their speakers. As voltage levels increase, there is enough energy there to light up the bulbs. The bulbs can be lit full time if the energy level is of a high enough average or only light up momentarily on peaks if the music is basically low level with big dynamic swings. Obviously, the power transfer from amp to drivers is not very linear in this fashion, but i don't think that the manufacturer was really worried about this. The end result is reduced dynamic range i.e. "squashed" peaks AND less warranty claims from blown drivers.

For the record, i found this out when i was 13 years old with a pair of 301's. I was listening to some music at volume ( you would have never guessed, huh ??? ) with the grill's off and i saw something "flashing" out of the ports. I instantly thought that something was arcing or burning up in the speaker, so i ran over and turned the volume down. Being the technical geek that i am ( yes, even back then ), i took the speaker apart to see what was happening. Needless to say, that is when i discovered the light bulbs. I still have the crossovers from those 301's as a reminder of how "junk" can be foisted upon the mass market and made to look desirable. The good thing is, the light bulbs still work and i could use them in an emergency if i had to : ) Sean