Newbie - Which USED Amp & Preamp for under $2500

My preamp has seen better days and is sounding awful. My amp is pretty weak too. I have $2500 to spend and I need help. I've been looking at the following, any advice would help:

Audio Research SP17L Tube Preamp
Quad QC24
Arcam c30

Arcam PI monoblocks
Conrad Johnson MF 2250
Bel Canto Evo 200.2
Quad 99
Perraux 200P
Refurbished McCormack DNA 125

Below is my current setup. I plan on upgrading my speakers in the near future, so I'll want something that will work now and later:

Hafler 9130 amp (x2)
Adcom GTP 500 Preamp
B&W 602 series 3 Speakers

Darkmoebius, Thanks for the advice. I've been keeping my eye out for the amps you mentioned and I don't think I would hesitate to get one if the price was right.
Based on the feedback here, I've started a search for speakers simply to get a holistic view of what I want. To answer your questions, the room is 17X13 however it has a large opening (9ft) to a dining room. I listed to jazz, 60's psychedelic, hip-hop, ambient, pop and electronic. All of my music is digital. On occasion i will push them quite hard and wake up the neighbors. I don't have space to place them out 2-3 feet from a wall, and as a result, someone recommended the Paradigm studio 60's or 100's. I can't do stands because I have a small child.
I don't have space to place them out 2-3 feet from a wall
Maybe some cornerhorns like classic Klipsch? They are big and rock hard. But get tucked into corners so they are out of the way. The only problem is that you would probably have to find some locally because they won' be an easy ship.

Here's some Speakerlab Klipschorn remakes for $800 in central, IL.

Those Paradigms are a great suggestion, too.
The Klipschorns really open up some great amp/preamp combos. They are so efficeint you can use any flea powered amp you want and drive the snot out of the Klipsch.

I think the Klipschorns driven by McIntosh gear is an incredible sound. I like the MC225 amp with the C22 pre, great combo!!