Next Upgrade to My Totem Arros Setup - Need Help


I need your expert help in upgrading my stereo set-up. I like my current set-up immensely.

My System: Totem Arros, Primaluna Prologue 2, Signal Cable, Hero Inter Connects, old Sony DVD/CD Player.

My upgrade plan is to add a CD Player & Sub-Woofer.

CD Player Options: Rega Appollo, Naim CD5i, CA Azur 840C, Cairn fog V2 (not easily available), Simaudio Moon Equinox , Sony dvp-ns999es, any good tubed CDP (All Pre-Owned)

Sub-Woofer Options: REL Strata III, REL Storm III

So I need your help for the following questions:

1. Which change will make more positive impact on the sound system....CDP or Sub ? ( I will go with the second upgrade few months down the lane ).

2. If CDP needs to be upgraded, what would you recommend between Naim, Rega, CA, Cairn Fog, sim and tubed cdps for my system (primaluna 2 and Arros) ? I like warm organic music with excellent vocals, instruments and strings with good BASS. Just want to remind again that I am using tube integrated (primaluna 2) for getting the warm preso and planning to add REL Sub for the quality BASS.

3. Since I already have a tube integrated in the line, should I be looking for a CDP that delivers excellent PRaT and Bass like Nait CD5i / Simaudio (or) more warm presentation of Rega (or) more warmer tubed cd players?

4. I read great reviews of 840C and it was being compared to Naim CD5i. I would like to know the system harmony of CA 840C with Primaluna 2 and Totem Arros for my music ?

5. Since I would like to add more Quality BASS (using REL), which of these CDPs make more sense ?

6. How does a modestly priced Sony dvp-ns999es (pre-owned) compete with the likes of Naim, Sim, Rega, etc ?

I will be eagerly awaiting your feedback for improving my 2 channel system. Thanking you all in advance

I don't have the Arros but I have the Sttafs. They are perfect with my Naim system.

Do you mind giving the details of your system ?

If you are using Naim CD5i, how is the bass and timing from CD5i ? I read somewhere saying that Naim CD5i does not have very good control of the bass and also top end may be tipped up. Can you wiegh in your observations ?

Naim and Totem go very well together. But that doesn't mean that a CD5i will pair up well with your PrimaLuna. Also keep in mind that the Arros are a very difficult speaker to drive. I don't think adding a sub will make them much easier to drive. That doesn't mean they won't sound better with a sub though.

The best way to tell which CD player will work the best is to demo them with your system, or find a dealer who has a similar system.

Honestly, all the CD players you mentioned are very good. Everyone will have their preferences, and that's what really seperates most of them. The SimAudio Equinox SE that was mentioned is the best of the bunch. Keep in mind it also initially sold for twice what the others sold for. IMO it'll probably fit the best in your system as well. Its got everything the others do, and probably has the least sonic signature, which makes it easier to fit into more systems. Just my opinions though.

Also, the new CD5i (italic i) is significantly better than the old CD5i, which was very good as well. The bass in the old version was slightly uncontrolled, but not much. I don't think the highs were tipped up; I think its leading edges were a little sharp, which made it seem brighter. The new CD5i addressed these issues pretty well IMO. It sounds more like a CD5x than the old CD5i if that's any indication.

Replace the CDP first.

I listened to the Naim CD5i with the Arros using a Nait 5i integrated and it sounded good although the room was probably too big for the speakers. The Totem Forests sounded better with that pairing. I think that the CD5i could sound extremely good with the PrimaLuna amp and the Arros in the right sized space.

I own a Cambridge 640C and really like it in combination with a fairly forward but highly resolving ss amp and hard to drive sealed bookshelf speakers. The 840C is a noticeable step up with better DACs, parts and upsampling. I have only heard it briefly, but it is much better than anything they have done previously.

Overall, I think both the Naim or Cambridge would mate well with the Totems and PrimaLuna, and I think you would notice an improvement right away. The Maim is going to boogie a little harder and get your toes tapping. The 840C is going to paint a prettier sound picture with more delicate textures and nuances. I predict both the Cambridge and Naim will do a much better job with the bass than your current player.

Everyone seem to say Arros are difficult to drive...particularly for a tube amp. I took a chance and bought primaluna 2 and trust me....Primaluna drives Arros without any hint of strain for the levels i listen at and for my room ( 13x16x8 )...i am not using more than 25% of the volume on my amp. That itself completely envelopes my listening area with such warm organic pleasant music. For that matter I feel it has enough bass as well. But i surely do know that RELs will add so much to this musical presentation of Arros.

At this point there are votes for Naim CD5i (italic i) and CA 840C as well. Surprising that no one has recommended Appollo at all.

JR & Knownothing: Since I have a tube integrated amp which can make the sound warm and lush, do you recommend warmer sounding CDP or a little bit forwarding sounding CDP ? I was thinking a little bit forward sounding CDP may bring the balance. But I am not sure.
