Next Upgrade to My Totem Arros Setup - Need Help


I need your expert help in upgrading my stereo set-up. I like my current set-up immensely.

My System: Totem Arros, Primaluna Prologue 2, Signal Cable, Hero Inter Connects, old Sony DVD/CD Player.

My upgrade plan is to add a CD Player & Sub-Woofer.

CD Player Options: Rega Appollo, Naim CD5i, CA Azur 840C, Cairn fog V2 (not easily available), Simaudio Moon Equinox , Sony dvp-ns999es, any good tubed CDP (All Pre-Owned)

Sub-Woofer Options: REL Strata III, REL Storm III

So I need your help for the following questions:

1. Which change will make more positive impact on the sound system....CDP or Sub ? ( I will go with the second upgrade few months down the lane ).

2. If CDP needs to be upgraded, what would you recommend between Naim, Rega, CA, Cairn Fog, sim and tubed cdps for my system (primaluna 2 and Arros) ? I like warm organic music with excellent vocals, instruments and strings with good BASS. Just want to remind again that I am using tube integrated (primaluna 2) for getting the warm preso and planning to add REL Sub for the quality BASS.

3. Since I already have a tube integrated in the line, should I be looking for a CDP that delivers excellent PRaT and Bass like Nait CD5i / Simaudio (or) more warm presentation of Rega (or) more warmer tubed cd players?

4. I read great reviews of 840C and it was being compared to Naim CD5i. I would like to know the system harmony of CA 840C with Primaluna 2 and Totem Arros for my music ?

5. Since I would like to add more Quality BASS (using REL), which of these CDPs make more sense ?

6. How does a modestly priced Sony dvp-ns999es (pre-owned) compete with the likes of Naim, Sim, Rega, etc ?

I will be eagerly awaiting your feedback for improving my 2 channel system. Thanking you all in advance

The Apollo is probably the best sub $1000 players around. But you just stuck it in a league with two more expensive players, and they sound better to me.

Lots of people describe Naim gear as "forward". You could look at it that way, but in my experience Naim gear is just tremendously musical and almost "bouncy" sounding. If you listen carefully, you will notice that some of the detail and air is not there compared to other equipment, but it times so well you will get lost in the rhythm and forget about the details. Anybody who craves the melodiousness of tube equipment will understand this kind of trade off. If PRAT is your thing above all else, I would go with the Naim.

The Cambridge will provide loads more detail, but will frame it in a musical picture. Not detail for detail's sake, but reproduce the details as they were recorded in terms of time and loudness better than most machines at this price point.

Here's a way to look at it, if you like to dance and listen to rock, R&B or Hip Hop after drinking a few beers, get the Naim. If you prefer to sit in you music room with a nice glass of chardonnay and listen to the subtle details and textures present in chamber music or well recorded vocal jazz, I would go for the Cambridge (or the Simaudio for that matter which is even more polite). Both the Naim and the Cambridge will comport themselves well on the other player's turf, but they have both have their specific strengths.

Playing these CDPs through your very capable tube amp will tend to round out and reduce some of these differences as compared to a more detail oriented SS amplifier, but the differences will still be real and noticeable.

You makes your choice and you pays your money.

PS - REL sub is a great idea, even if you rarely actually "hear" it. It will fill out the sound of Arros and add spatial cues you didn't realize were missing - I would just do that after the CDP upgrade.
I agree with pretty much everything Mike said. I can't comment on which will synergize better with the PrimaLuna, because I've never heard it. As far as using a brighter sounding CD player to liven up a warm amp, warmer CDP to smooth something out, etc., my experience has been that it doesn't always work out that way. On paper it seems like a good idea. It may actually work, but don't take for granted that it will. There's no subsititue for an in home audition, or at the very least an audition at a dealer's. I've found that when there's no synergy, the system isn't very satisfying and people look to make changes sooner than later. When there's synergy, the system performs better than the sum of the parts.

Rel makes awsome subs, and it'll most likely be very worthwhile. I'm more of a source first guy (not die-hard, but there's a lot of merit to it), so I'd get that straightened out before proceeding.

JR & Knownothing,

Thanks for your explanation and an excellent analogy for Naim and CA 840C / Simaudio sonic signature. Similarly do you mind giving analogy for a Rega Apollo CDP ?

I included Apollo, CA 840C and Naim CD5i as the options, because on Audiogon, the price difference between rega and Naim / CA 840C is couple of hundred bucks.

The Apollo is a capable player, no question, and probably between the Naim and Cambridge in personality. My brief comparison of the Apollo with the other two would be that it is a less musical but more detailed Naim 5i, or a more dynamic but less polished Cambridge 840C. I don't care for the plastic face plate on the Apollo, but that is a rather minor detail.

Check out these links - quite a bit has already been written about the player.

Can you please explain why you think Apollo will be flat in the system ?
