No Budget Amp?

I am an audiophile, but I have almost no money to throw around. What is a good peice of used gear that can hold me over untill I get enough money for somthing nice. I am running it with analysis plus cables, a Njoe Tjoeb 4000 cdp and a foreplay pre. I am not sure on speakers, but going without music is unacceptable, so I have to get somthing now.

Eric Baer
With out knowing you budget or speakers its hard to make a meaning ful recommendation. But, what the hell - the best "budget" amp I've see about that will drive most reasonable speakers and sound quite good (I use it in a secord system) is a Muse 100 - Its 100 watts per channel SS and got a good write up in Stereophile some year ago - I've seen them sell on Audiogon for $350 to 400. Cheaper than that I can't help you with.
I've always liked the adcom amplifiers. If those are still too expensive, try the Sony TAN-220es. I purchased one for $120 for my office setup, and I like it a lot. Furthermore, this equipment sounds good with ads speakers.
The best budget solid state amp is without question the B&k ST140 Outperforms numerous more expensive amps and can be had for around $200-250 As good as the B&K is it cannot compare to a recapped Dyna ST70 if you can live with 35 wpc and tubes. Around $350-450.