Noise eater

I think most of us are interested to buy things that don't carry absurd costs, but still bring on very positive results.
Am i wrong?
If not, check out Essential Audiotools Noise Eater (€145).
This connected to a power strip will make you smile.
Detail & imaging. Like looking through a polished window :-D
I connected one of my active speakers to the powerstrip and the other one to the outlet. The difference is that the speaker connected to the strip (Noise eater) sounds much clearer, to such a degree it simply is now a must to use the Noise eater..
I have all components running through this now.
Very good, try one and be happy.
I have to agree parallel filters are quite beneficial and use them in my system. I have been using the ones offered by Alan Maher Designs for years. As a result I don't use a traditional power conditioner any longer.
The Noise Eater looks like an interesting product. Similar in physical design to the Nordost/Quantum Qv2, I wonder it it works on similar technical principles?

Like Clio09, I also also have an Alan Mayer parallel filter called the Scorpion, I could not live without it, it is that good.
hi agisthos:

i too have alan maher filters, what is different sonically about this filter, compared to his other filters ?

I have not tried the EAT. It might be the one to get.

When I tried other products that made similar claims, they did reduce noise.

And musical dynamics.