Norah Jones a tinge short

I love female vocals, Kd Lange, Linda Rondstat, Bonnie Ryatte to name a few. And I love Norah Jones voice, So I ran out and purchased come away with me. Though I could easily listen to it, I was a tad dissapointed in the reocording quality on CD. I could hear her mic shean (glare), tinny and a tad thin, which kept her wonderful voice from ringing clear through my Theil 3.6s. I tried some Sheryl Crow bam she was right there in my living room. I tried the Norah CD again and the sound thined and tinned. I was saddend, anybody else share this same opinion, or dissagree?
Well......... This is one of my favorite cds for content and quality. I do have a Japanese pressing because I read the American version had copyguard. For me it is one of my best sounding regular cds.
"...........given the one-note inability of this 'singer'....."

That's funny...... I've been calling her "One Note Norah" since she came on the scene......
gotta agree with maxpain. got her cd for xmas last year. i like her music,
but doesn't sound good coming out the rig's
shpeak-shpeaks. ok for radio, though!
04rdking, at home we call her "Snore-ah Bones". The 'singing' is so bad it is almost painful at times. Someone needs to put her out of her misery.

This is all the more painful as I have seen her illustrious father, the incredible Ravi Shankar, perform live a few times in small venues. And her stepsister, Anoushka Shankar, is quite good at what she does but she doesn't share a fraction of the fame.

Actually, I don't blame Snore-ah per se... if I could convince someone I had some talent although that was the farthest thing from the truth, I'd be happy to take the poor saps' money. Move over PT Barnum, there's a new game in town and her name is Snore-ah.