Norah Jones a tinge short

I love female vocals, Kd Lange, Linda Rondstat, Bonnie Ryatte to name a few. And I love Norah Jones voice, So I ran out and purchased come away with me. Though I could easily listen to it, I was a tad dissapointed in the reocording quality on CD. I could hear her mic shean (glare), tinny and a tad thin, which kept her wonderful voice from ringing clear through my Theil 3.6s. I tried some Sheryl Crow bam she was right there in my living room. I tried the Norah CD again and the sound thined and tinned. I was saddend, anybody else share this same opinion, or dissagree?
don't forget siouxsie from the banshees.

How could anyone forget Christine the strawberry girl...

How about Alanis Morrisette...
I can't believe no one has mentioned laverne Butler. A great voice and very soulful but restrained.her album "foolish thing"is heavy rotation for me.
Jswarnke, Couldn't agree with you more about Butler. Excellent! I didn't read all of the posts carefully but I didn't notice any mention of Mary Stallings, Rene Marie, or for that matter Shirley Horn - of course these are jazz singers not pop/rock or audiophile types. Speaking of pop no one mentioned Cassidy - but I guess she dead isn't she. Non the less she sang everything - soul, pop, jazz. What a talent! Guess Horn's dead too. But at least she got a lot down before she died. Oh, another great jazz singer not mentioned much Etta Jones, wife of Houston Person. Big voice - lots of character - not just another knock off.

I woun't mention who I don't listen to after hearing their albums once! :-)