Nova Utopia Be or Dynaudio Temptation\Wilson Maxx

This is my first posting, so hi there from Australia.

I'm having a hard time deciding on my next speaker purchase and hopefully I can hear some of your thoughts so I can finally make a decision.

I currently have a pair of Dynaudio C4 and I’m looking at upgrading to JMlab Nova Utopia Be, Dynaudio Evidence Temptation or Wilson Puppy\Maxx. Or if anyone knows anything about the new Focal Utopia range I would be interested.

I have previously owned the Dynaudio Contour s5.4 and C2, B&W 802, Wilson Sophia and other bits and pieces. Amplification is currently Gryphon Antileon. Source is currently Mark Levinson 30.6 DAC and Mark Levinson 31.5 Transport. With MIT Oracle 2.1 speakers cables and MIT Oracle 2.2 interconnects.

I am leading towards Nova Utopia as I liked the sound of the Wilson Sophia and have been told that the Nova sound similar. I don’t know if the Dynaudio Evidence Temptation is better than the Nova Utopia or if I would prefer the Wilson Watt Puppy \ Maxx.

But then I guess it comes down to the usual ‘personal preference’ ‘room size’.

It's not easy to find and listen to this speakers in Australia so if anyone has any information or experiences....
Thanks, I've just started breaking them in. 10 hours down and counting. They sound amazing, even out of the box.

Can anyone share their experience in breaking in the Nova or Alto?
mine are on with a signal 24/7/365. I set the bypass from the pre/pro to let the TV tuner play through the Mac pre and amps to the Altos. the signal is not loud but moderate during the day, very loud at 2 channel listening time(5 hours at night), and very low overnight. they have been on nonstop since i got them as replacements for my altos that were ruined by Hurricane katrina. They have had an almost constant signal for 3 years. That is 27,000 hours of break in!!!!
I love these loudspeakers--then i heard the Nova Utopias--wow...the low end was incredible.

You may want to run a low signal all day when you are not home or overnight.

You may also place the speakers face to face and play a burn in CD...the signals will sort of cancel each other so the obnoxious noise will not be as loud. Just a suggestion.

Good luck and enjoy your Novas!!!!
Wholly Molly, 27,000 break in time. I'm only up to 20 hours. Good idea having the tuner break them in.

If I had someone else to help me move them I’d place them face to face and burn them in, but they're pretty heavy to move. And I think I’ve found a good position for them but will experiment more with that after break in.

I agree about the low end, the bass is amazing especially at low volumes. I don't have a preamp as I’m using a CD player straight into a DAC with volume control. I'm trying to find a cheap tuner with a digital out so I can connect that to the DAC and leave it on all day.
Did you notice much change after the break in and what sort of changes? Sound stage expansion and a softer treble?

I think my room would turn into a sauna if i left the gryphon on all day.
Hi R_paton,

You bought my dream speaker. I really like the sound of Focals. I have Electra 906 and SW900, probably a smaller room then yours. It was very interesting to read this topic and find out your decision and your experiences about the purchase.

I belive that the Utopias are very transparent, open and natural sounding speakers.

Is it fitting well with the Gryphon?

I planning to buy a pair Nova later I have bigger apartmant. I'm planning to use Accuphase or Mark Levison amps with it.


Hi Thomashungary,
I bought my dream speakers as well. The Nova's are a perfect match for the gryphon or the Gryphon is a perfect match for the Nova’s. I think the Gryphon is a great match for almost any speaker. Enough about the Gryphon.

They Nova’s have had about 30 hours break in and already starting to sound more integrated and the bass is tightening up, was quite loose to start with. I’m using an Accuphase DC801 DAC at the moment.

I think the Accuphase amps are slightly warmer than the Mark Levinson and would be a better match unless you’re talking about a pair of 33h.

Good luck, hope you get a pair one day.