Now That You've Ripped Your Entire Collection...


So, you've ripped your entire collection of CDs to the hard drive, and you're blissfully streaming music for hours without having to fetch the silver discs. Everything was transferred with 'bit perfect' perfection.

What did you do with your collection of physical media?

If you've kept the CD collection, why?

If you got rid of the collection, why?, and what did you do with it?

Trying to make a decision here.
I put mine in plastic containers and put them in the garage. If I ever lost my drives for some reason I would want to be able to burn them again. And the future is the future, you never know if you might need to burn them again a better way or onto another format of some kind.
A lightning strike, fire or robbery could take out all your hard drives.

If you're going to sell them, I'd do it now. I don't think they are going to appreciate in value.
I've kept mine, partly because of the odd copyright law in the UK. Here it is legal to rip CDs you have bought, but you have to then keep them. If you get rid of them, the rip breaches copyight law. I don't think that applies in the US.
Mine are all boxed up in the basement. I am a bit bereft without the daily chore of ripping another 20 or 30 cds, it gave my dull boring existense some meaning, only kidding
Mabonn - funny.

Kijanki - Of course I wouldn't just toss them in the garbage!

I wouldn't mind keeping them -- you never know when you might need them again, such as if better tech for ripping comes along -- but I don't know where I'd put all the boxes. I'd sell them, but it would have to be in lots, 'cause there's no way I'm going to sell them one-by-one. Or, donate them.

I suppose another way of asking the question is: Once you ripped your entire collection to disk, did you ever find a reason to have the CDs around?
I'm in the process of ripping my CD collection. I don't think I will ever part with the physical discs though, for a number of reasons:

i) If I ever need to rip them again for whatever reason, they are there.

ii) I still need the physical disc if I want to play it in the car, portable player, etc.

iii) If you rip a CD to your computer then sell it, it raises the question of whether you still legally own it.

Plus I just feel more comfortable if I have them. They don't take up that much space and they wouldn't fetch much if I sold them.
As already suggested, you can just trash it, or give it to the local "Good Will Store". But if there is any monetary interest, it would be helpful posting your entire collection in detail somewhere, so the interested parties can see it and eventually purchase it.

In any event, you are doomed. If you have already decided to get rid of it, consider the fact that, if you like more your computer audio copy of it, please take in account the inferiority of your previous CD playback.

Bottom line, keep your CD collection because you never know what the future will offer you.

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev
I'm not sure I understand your question. Are you considering tossing your CD collection to garbage? You might consider giving them to your local library.
My CDs are now in boxes in the garage. My CD player used to be on 24-7. A few weeks after I put the CDs in the garage, I noticed the CD player was on. I turned it off.