
I read the ad... has anybody tried the NuForce products?

I think the chassis issue is being way overdone here. Obviously the NuForce amps wouldn't sound nearly as good as they do if the chassis affected the sound that much. And the chassis is more substantial on the Reference 9s than it is on the Reference 8 series.

I used to know a highly acclaimed audio designer who told me he could put his circuits in a cardboard box and they would sound about the same -- and maybe better, because there wouldn't be ferrous metal next to the circuitry. He'd say, "Sure, give me another $500 to $1000 and I'll put it in a real pretty box for you -- but it will still sound the same."

Beyond that, I have to say that I don't know of a single piece of audio gear (no matter how stout the chassis) that doesn't respond to chassis tuning tweaks.

Unsound, the Ref 9s will provide 300 watts rms at 4 ohms and almost 700 watts in short term peak power. If that's not enough for you Jason intimated that NuForce will be coming out with an even more powerful amp in the future.
Nice assessment, Plato.

As one who dabbles with performance-oriented racking systems utilizing the resonance energy transfer (aka coupling) methodology, my limited experience tells me that as you said any product's performance can be influenced(sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse) via chassis tweaks.

My take on the chassis tweaks would be to eliminate or minimize the dampening within the chassis and instead tightly couple all internal components to the chassis which in turn should be tightly coupled to the racking system which in turn should be tightly coupled to the sub-flooring system.

Thus providing an expedited exit path for the air-borne vibrations captured instantaneously but which can only dissipate over a period of time (like a reverb).

The more tightly coupled everything is, the more instantaneous the mechanical transfer occurs.

I find it frustrating when mfg’ers of otherwise good performance-oriented equipment make half-assed attempts at internal vibration control and internal line conditioning. First, the consumer is forced to select that mfg’ers choice of methodology (which is often times an inferior methodology) and second, it’s usually through some cheap $5 part like a tiny AC filter or a certain silicon glue or dampening plate and third, there’s usually nothing the consumer can do to rectify the mfg’ers poor choice or futile attempts since the methodolgy is often times so embedded into the product.

So in my opinion that otherwise well-crafted product is now deemed worthless or worth less in my book.

Anyway, that’s my take.

You Guys re-inforce the Nuforce Problem, I admire
your Honesty and Reply, to the Fact that Nuforce
is "Not" at this time addressing chassis Noise. Fact is, I've spent many weeks & countless hours
Tuning the Noise out of a digital swithing amp, of all the designs I've encountered, swithing
Amps are the most, By Far! and Away! affected by
internally Generated Noise. The Good News, Once
the "Noise is Canceled", I'll put it on the line for Ya. My amplified signal took on "TRUE" tone and a "SWEETNESS", which can only be associated with original Performance, which is locked in the software. Give yourself a "lesson" if I only knew
my Nuforce amp could sound every bit as Tonely
Good as the finest single ended amp? I'd give my
right arm? well it does'nt cost & arm or leg for
that matter, Adjustable Still Points, 3 of them
under your amps, inverted, will let you drain off
all noise in your chassis, Call on Paul Wakeen, Don't say I told you so.
I couldn't wait to read all the responses. I just want to say that I agree with Plato wholeheartedly. I listen only to analog(for those not in the know, that means 1981 or earlier albums). I have Nuforce 8.02b's with Cardas adaptors. Don't listen to the naysayers. Their Technics
amp(no offense) is the Nuforce's equal. Yeah, right! A Corolla will outhandle a Porsche.
Again, I can't wait to read all the responses. Does Nuforce have to take all this stuff for producing a state-of-the-art amp for $1600? Their mods cost less than nothing. Are you guys that negative?