Odd shaped Amps and preamps

So I am finally bored with the black boxes. I have a slew of black boxes everywhere and my wife feels (and I am starting to agree) that all our living spaces seem to be cluttered with rectangular black shapes.

I have set out on a quest to create something special and elegant and unique in form.

I have just created a set of triangular glass and metal platforms that glow with a soft blue cast. They are sexy as Hell and are begging to be filled with equally sexy gear.

The challenge:
List some amps and preamps for me that are circular, triangular or will otherwise fit onto a triangular shelf with 22" sides. Be as creative as you want. Tubes or SS, low wattage triodes or Class D Digital...as long as it is high end gear and not junk. I only need about 20 Watts for my speakers to sing but extra won't go to waste in my experience with them.Speakers being driven are Lansche 4.1 (with the plasma drivers).

Price is not really a consideration in this case. I need both an amp (stereo or mono pair) and a preamp.

Links would be super if pictures can't be posted here.

Thanks everyone!


The Scientific Fidelity amps are no longer made, Mike Maloney made them way before he founded THE Show. The site I linked to is a Museum in London that displays modern art where they are part of the catalog.

Good Listening

A couple of others: there was a guy out west, ElectronLuv, who made this wonderful Flash Gordon meets Doctor Frankenstein's lab gear, the casework was marvelous, have no idea how the gear sounded or what he is doing now, but I'm sure you could look it up on the Intra-Web.(TM).
Also, Jeffrey Jackson (Experience Music) has some interesting 'steam-punk' styled case work for some of the custom made components he builds, uses mercury vapor tubes, retro switch gear, something that would feel quite at home in Edison's lab. Also, a blog he runs called Hi-Fi Heroin is all about vintage gear, some of it pre-WWII Western Electric, etc. Punches my buttons, don't know about yours.
Somewhat more conventional but definitely not your basic black box are the Butler Monad amps. Always wanted to hear them.
Best part about The Experience Music gear: it sounds even better than it looks!
Unison is another design forward Italian manufacturer worth thinking about.
