Odyssey Lorelelis, Tyler Acoustics Tylo 7U

Well, I am spinning my wheels between these 2 fine speakers...

My situation: I currently only have a pair of vintage EV 12 trxb's driven my a Berning EA-230 and TF-10 pre...and a MC40 pair driven by tubed C-20 pre...

I am pondering completing a vintage setup of the Mc gear with the EV's, so I need something modern to mate to the Berning rig...

I have always been a fan of paper or paper doped cones...and I am very familiar with what the Scan Speak 18W/5545 brings to the table with a non revelator Scan Speak tweeter,,,as reviews stated, the Loreleis have the slam and emotion that i like...

But sometimes change is good...The Tyler is an all SEAS system with dual magnesium cones and the Millenium tweeter..and the lit spec 35 Hz on bottom.,it doesnt say how mnay dB down there you get..and the looks are just phenomenal..but I am not sure of what these drivers bring to the table...I canm imagine speed, accuracy, dynamics etc..

any opinions?
FWIW, I do not have the 7U's but I do have the Linbrook Signature Systems which I drive with an all tube system to great effect. The drivers themselves are very fast and revealing although the way Tyler has implemented them in this model they seem to have a small dip in the upper mid range (which I actually prefer over some Dynaudio driver based speakers that I have). These speakers even sound quite good using a small Primaluna amp.

Re spec's, my Tyler system is spec'd to 25hz. In my room, using a RS meter and applying error correction, they are flat at 25hz, whereas my other speakers rated -3db at 28 produce significantly less bass in those frequencies. I don't think Tyler is fudging on the spec's at all.

Once broken in and set up optiminally in my room I found they produced and excellent sound stage, in depth width and highth (I think the latter may be enhanced over the shorter speakers by the addition of a mid range unit above ear level.) I haven't heard the Loreleis, but its hard for me to imagine what I might be missing.
I have the 7Us with the Seas tweeter. Fantastic speaker!!
The only thing is they are not quite full range. If you have a large room or want a full range system, you can get a sub. Better be a good one, or you will have problems getting them to sound as one. I built my own sub. I also have just moved from a solid state pre-amp to a Marsh tube amp. Man was that the the right move.
You have narrowed your search down to two superb choices...

With respect to the 7Us...

As stated previously, the 7Us will offer very fast drivers (superior to the Loreleis in this instance), and a tremendous soundstage... Like Newbee said, the height is particularly impressive. Detail is quite good, without being harsh sounding (something not so common in speakers), and build quality is super-solid.

I also agree with Teikinas with respect to bass extension... I believe that the bass is super clean, but it could do with another 5 hz of extension if you are a bit of a bass hound like me, otherwise it will probably be fine without a sub. Like previously mentioned, if you *do* pair up a sub with the 7Us, it will have to be top quality in order to keep up with them on music. ACI's Titan is a good choice, IMO...
