Oh Pls Help

Just bought a pair of Monarchy Deluxe 100s Hooked them up to my speakers - no problem Hooked them up to my Pre amp (Cary SLP 94 Tube) - big problem Big I mean BIG hum on both speakers, music does play, although the hum is about as loud i usually play music at night Impedance problem? voltage problem? Polarity Problem? any suggestions
Hey Brian, If you only have one AC adapter plug you could try it on the Cary AC cord first, because that could cure the hum as well.
Brian, sorry--I got you mixed up with the fellow who first posted the question. Anyway, I was referring to AC plug adapters, not RCA jack shorting plugs. Sorry for my confusion.
Thank you for the quick responses. One think I forgot to mention is that the cary preamp has been working with my Hafler DH200 with the same equiptment in the same setup for over a year. This may not change you respective advices but i thought i should mention it. Cheater Plugs, where can i pick them up? and are these used to fix polarity problems? Thanks again all. Cheater