One's trash is someone else's treasure

I would be interested to find out what “treasures” you people have come across in your journey to audio nirvana on the used market. For me, it was in 1993 (I don’t remember if the internet was already at its early stages of development – I don’t think so), and I came across an ad in our local newspaper for a Linn LP-12. The second I read the ad, I immediately called the seller who happens to be this older fellow who obviously didn’t have the slightest clue what he’s about to relinquish. I drove to his apartment and there it was, a Linn LP-12 complete with an LVX tone arm, a K9 cartridge and the smoke dustcover – all in excellent condition. The asking price? $100!!!! While I was in his apartment checking the table out, the seller received about three phone calls regarding the LP-12 too bad for those prospective buyers but first come, first serve. Talk about someone’s trash being someone else’s treasure!!!! About three years later, I sold the table for $900! It was about this time when the digital front end was really taking off with the transport and outboard DAC options. Now, I’m back into vinyl (just recently got back actually) and have a VPI Scout Aries with JMW 9 arm and a Dynavector 10x5 cartridge. This time, my analog set up is a keeper!!!! What treasures have you come across??????
Hi, By best trash to treasure story for audio is....
My local dump AKA recycling station has a "Take it or Leave it". A place to put unwanted goods if you dont want to put them on Ebay, want to have a tag sale or feel its just to good to be put in the crusher. I puruse it several times a week and some times several time a day, if I happen to be passing by.
A couple of years a go, I was on my way to work when I stopped in to take a look see. I approaghed the "Take it or Leave it" shack, an open lean-to about 10 feet by 20 feet, when I see a pair of speakers. Not just any speakers, this is Audiogon,afterall, but a pair of Super Quads! Thats right, Quads with the RTR tweeters and the KEF? woofers.
Well the woofers were not there but I loaded these up and drove off to work.
The next day as I examined them and I saw a phone number and name on them with property theft info in case they ever went missing. I called the guy and he told me he had them since new and disposed of them as he knew no one that wanted them. The seperate woofer system he gave to his nephew for subs. I tried to get the subs back to match them up again to no avail. Sold them to someone more intereseted in them than myself as I was allready using my pair of Acoustat6
Adhaney,those are new to me also.I am trying to figure those now.What a great thread!Everyday when I check it,I expect it to fade,but,nope,still alive.Sorry for the hijack Gemini.....hope your feeling about the close encounter with this brutal golden rule.Hows things?Good luck,Bob
You can't blame Gemini too much. I once read a story of an old lady whose son had died and she decided to sell his guitar. The axe turned out to be a '59 Flame top Les Paul in mint condition. I would've kept my mouth shut and purchased.