Onzow Zero Dust - cleaning the cleaner

I've been using the Onzow Zero Dust stylus cleaner for a few weeks and the elastic "element," as they refer to it in the insert, got a bit dirty from the bottom of my Lyra Delos cartridge accidentally coming into contact with it. The insert states that you can "wash it in warm water with a little amount of neutral detergent" and "you can use this stylus tip remover repeatedly." I tried to rinse it with some Penta water but it didn't remove the dirt. Has anyone actually cleaned their Zero Dust with success? If so, how do you do it and dry it? Thanks!
Thanks everyone for chiming in. I did as suggested and used dish washing liquid, wet microfiber cloth, and rinsed with tap water. Removed most of the dirt but not all of it. Seems some, but very little, of it is embedded in the cleaner now. Still works fine though.

I actually didn't purchase the Zero Dust; it was given to me by my dealer as a thank you gift to try it out. I do use the Magic Eraser and other stuff to clean the stylus. The Zero Dust works fine; not sure what all the hate is about. 
I also use Dawn, but I employ an old shaving brush that I use to clean my eyeglasses.  I think the ZD is a good thing for taking the dust blobs off the stylus before brushing it with your expensive liquid stylus cleaner and getting it full of lint.  
5 minutes in the Ultrasonic Cleaner, 100g of Distill Alcohol per 3 liters of Distilled Water. Air Dry. Looks Like New.
Best Money I have spent for a Stylus Cleaner, no build of chemicals or residue. Gentle contact of the stylus. I have a Blue Lace, less contact the better for me. (My Honest Opinion) 
A wash with your favorite dishwashing liquid revives the Onzow.

Other than removing the obvious dust, I find Magic Etaser @ $4.95
superor for a more thorough, complete cleaning. ZD  will not bring back the new diamond look , which ME does. A couple of dips, swipe with brush, good to go.

My ZD is in the drawer of audio junk(based on cost and result)
The Magic Eraser was on the rack at the register in the Home Depot I was in yesterday, priced at a $1!