Oppo BDP83SE vs Oppo BDP95

How does the Oppo BDP83SE compare with the Oppo BDP95?
I have a BDP83SE and a friend brought over a BDP95 to compare in my system (all tube, Aesthetix Calypso linestage, custom 845 SET monoblocks, Gallo speakers) for SACDs played in stereo mode. I fully expected to get a BDP95 on the assumption that it would outperform my unit and was real surprised that I heard little difference and the 95 sounded sorta recessed. Maybe it lacked break-in (approx. 30 hours when I heard it) but I was definitely underwhelmed and am sticking with the 83SE for the moment at least. BTW, both of them were way inferior to my Raysonic 128 for CDs.
30 hrs! You did yourself a disservice by forming an opinion on out of the box performance! I as well as many others have found the recessed sound to go away with no less than 50-75 hrs of playback and full burn in around 500 hrs and up. You might just be the first I've heard to choose a 83se over the 95, as it has taken on units well beyond its class, stand alone or universal. 50jess you owe it to yourself to research this topic well, a good place to start is over at avsforums and many more, plus the main stream reviews as well.

Jdub39, I do find it odd that my 83SE required little or no break-in (yes, I bought it new). What is it about the 95 that demands a ridiculous (to me) 500 hours? Did you compare the 83SE to the 95 in your system?
Isn't break in a bitch? I wonder how many fine products have been maligned because they were evaluated before breaking in. Does anybody know the true reason there is such a phenomena? Molecules being aligned is one theory I know of.

If I was a manufacturer I'd break in every piece of equipment before sending it out for review or demo.