What will happen to OPPO Blu ray players? When DVD'S AND CD's are discontinued in a few years, what will happen to OPPO?
I'll most likely switch to a computer source and use my 103 as a DAC, with either its USB or HDMI input. But, like Doggiehowser says, I'm not counting bluray out, for the time being (more than a hundred music titles to be released by Sony this fall). I can't see myself being be eager to ditch any of my discs for some time since it looks like the quality of music downloads will continue to vary, from the handful that are good to the majority that pretty much suck, for any foreseeable future...(sigh)
In a few years, the Oppo, assuming it still works, will be used to play the millions of CDs and DVDs already in existence. Or, the 105 will be used as a DAC to play music through a computer source or whatever is going on at the time. Also, who says CDs will be "discontinued" in a few years? Why would you even think about this? In a few years, you'll be lucky to own anything, at the rate this country is going.
Strange, vinyl was pronounced dead ten years ago. I think by the same people who tell us CD's are dying. So, stock up on your CD players, I have ten of them, don't what to become an orphan.
They're a step ahead of you. Oppo has built in apps for netflix, roku, berlin philharmonic, etc. that it uses to stream content wirelessly with its built in web browser. I watched a live performance of the Berlin Philharmonic yesterday, then watched a bluray movie. Nice.