Oppo Ceasing production

Just visited Oppo's web site.  They are ceasing production of all their products and will only do warranty work and firmware support for their products.  They no longer have the resources to manufacture new products.  Didn't see this one coming.
I own both the 203 and 205 and glad I bought when I did....both perform flawlessly.  I tend to agree with earlier comments that the average millennial simply aren't the target market for these products....and that other technologies have certainly disrupted existing media platforms. It's all about making smart forward thinking strategic business decisions and suspect OPPO's resources will be further directed to support their huge brand in China for mobile phones.......but at a price and unfortunately leaves a huge void for some of us dinosaur's.   
We live in a junk culture that has no appreciation for quality, for history, for patience, for common sense, tradition, individuality and distinctiveness. Most of the crap that people buy these days is made to last a very short time, manufactured with the intent to be replaced, as opposed to being repaired because it’s cheaper to throw the crap out then to fix it. People are lured by a low price, and would rather buy something a dozen times than buy something of value that costs more money but last for years and never malfunctions. They are happy with a piece of crap that in the long run will cost a small fortune compared to a quality item that will cost WAY less in the long run. In other words, most people are just plain stupid!

Anybody who perceives that Oppo gear is outrageously expensive is a complete idiot, with no sense of the value of the dollar, and no sense whatsoever of what constitutes value in the first place. They, the dumbed down masses who have lived their vapid lives conforming to what everybody else does, and having had their brains destroyed by television and "the phone", think that buying the $69 blue light special at Walmart, that will last a year if they’re lucky, is the steal of the century! Ignorance is bliss, and man oh man are there a lot of ignorant, dumbed down, dollar store shopping, junk hoarding, dumber than their smart phone imbeciles walking around on this doomed planet. What these morons don’t get, and never will get, is that a product like Oppo doesn’t come along very often. They will never understand that Oppo offered a value proposition all out of proportion to its price. Then again, how could we, the discerning people who care about quality and take pride in owning something that’s well designed, sounds great, looks great and gives us real pride of ownership... how could we possibly expect the masses to relate to this concept of excellence when all they have ever known, craved, and surrounded themselves with is garbage?

I have a really decent audio system the sounds terrific, and will most likely last me for many years. When I play it, I actually sit down and actually LISTEN to the music. Unless the house is burning down, I stay seated and enjoy the experience. No facebook, no twitter, no snapchat, no emails telling me my casket and plot is ready - nothing but me and the music. This is my escape from the insanity and the stress that is turning people into nut cases. Into robots. Into complete dopes.

This niche endeavor that we audiophiles/musicphiles enjoy and pursue will hopefully survive. This decision by Oppo doesn’t bode well for for discerning audio/video enthusiasts, and it’s a shame because there doesn’t seem to be a viable alternative out there that would come close to replacing these best of category components. When a great product is bought exclusively by a niche group, I guess this is what can happen. It does make you wonder who will be next, who will be the next victim of the evolution away from quality, away from music viewed as a beautiful work of art, an expression of truth via the universal language that is is, as opposed to a mere commodity/background noise like it is today. And the video that these Oppo players provide - absolutely stunning, nothing anywhere near the price can touch it!  My brother has the first blue ray player Oppo made - BDP 83 I believe - still working like a charm and he is going to freak out when he heres a bout this, if he hasn’t already. I don’t even own one, and I’m upset! I've watched many movies and his Oppo shames every other DVD/Blue Ray player that he had in the past.

Hey Oppo... do you see all the commotion you’ve created with this bombshell that you dropped on the real, bona fide video/audio community? Do you understand the massive amount of publicity you are getting right now? You make something that’s the best, and people are very upset about this situation. Put your thinking cap on, reconsider what you are doing, and think of the massive void that will exist when the last player comes down the assembly line.
Sad indeed. I just got a Modwright 205 last month... This does lend one to wonder what the after market will be for Oppo players, say six months from now.

Oppo and most all the online stores are sold out of the 205.....Oppo told me there are no more coming. If you can find one now at retail, you are lucky. There are some 203s left but they will probably be all gone within a few days/weeks. Crutchfield sold over 100 205s earlier this week. Feeding frenzy. Some retailers are selling the last 205s for $2500 and yes, there are ones on ebay for $3500. If I had the money I would have bought 10 of them on Monday and then sold them in the fall for $3000+ each.

What is so amazing the Oppo finally got it right and then had to bail.  The 205 and the Sonica were the first Oppo products stock that I could stand.  They actually sound good when burned in.  With mods, they are outrageous.....way, way out there.  I have spent the last year tweaking and re-tweaking my mods to the Sonica and now I will be putting all those mods and more into the 205 (info on my website in about one week re the basic mods)......but the only people who will get to enjoy these mods are ones who already have a 205 as they will be hard to come by from now on....including used.  And they will fetch a ton of money used.

I've been in this hobby since I was 15 years old-- back in the 1970's-- so what's changed? Money, in the form of disposable income. Wages and salaries for the middle class have been stagnant or in decline since then. Economic mobility in the US has collapsed. Not my opinion-- this is simply a straight read of decades worth of economic trend data. Kids aren't getting married or starting families nearly as much today either-- no money, little job stability, and diminishing prospects for this to turn around anytime soon. 

It sucks that young people today grow up listening to music (crap sounding MP3's in most cases)  through cheap bean-sized earbuds. It's another reason for the loudness wars-- no one listening to loud music via earbuds wants wide dynamic range-- they want it compressed and LOUD-- and this is all most of them will ever be able to afford.

Hi end mfg's have been jacking prices to create a "patina of prestige" around their products-- it's got nothing to do with cost for many of them. So the hi-value brands like Oppo are appealing to a vanishing class of people-- and I use that word intentionally. The US and for that matter, the EU middle class-- are an endangered species and there aren't going to be enough rich audiophiles to keep most of the remaining companies healthy for very much longer. The US middle class was the driver of economic growth and prosperity for our economy-- now they're just targets for rent-seeking monopolies-- and that has left consumer spending, compared to what it was decades ago-- anemic at best.

The average American can't even come up with $400 cash to pay for an emergency expense-- like a car repair. So what are the odds they'll be able to put together a few thousand dollars spare to buy an entry level system? Diminishing at best.

So this isn't about changing times and preferences-- a preference to only listen to low quality music on cheap earbuds-- it is about the change in the economic circumstances of most Americans. This is not politics-- though that has played a LARGE role in this state of affairs-- it's basic economics. Downwardly mobile populations of people do not make a great market for high quality goods and services, they make a good market for Wal-Mart and The Dollar Store.