OPPO Sonica DAC to Lumin D2 Upgrade

I’m considering an upgrade from an OPPO Sonica DAC to a Lumin D2.  I’m generally satisfied with the OPPO sound and appreciate its simplicity of use (there is little doubt that it’s an absolute bargain at its price point).   

However, I briefly owned an Aurender A10 and found that it provided marginally better sound over the OPPO at a significantly higher cost.  Its only benefit, in addition to Aurender’s decent user app, was it’s on-board storage which was of little benefit to me.  So once again I’m considering an upgrade-this time at a more affordable level.   I prefer a unit that has similar functionality to the Sonica DAC.  

My basic question is this:  how much of a sonic improvement might I expect going from the Sonica DAC to the D2?  Also, how good is Lumin’s user app when used with Tidal streaming?  My OPPO was $799, the D2 lists for $2300.    The streamer/Dac (w/Tidal) will function as my sole source feeding a Belles Aria integrated and PMC twenty5.22 speakers.  I’ve found the Aria/PMC combo to be wonderfully satisfying and they will not be subject to change for the foreseeable future.  Any thoughtful advice will be much appreciated.
Yes Oddiofyi shamless plug, we have Lumin and Cambridge and many other fine digital front ends, the Lumin gear is consistantly loved by people who have gotten them. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Thanks to all that have responded.  Special thanks to nekoaudio for sending the Lumin app info. 

A Lumin choice adds roon capability and, reportedly, a superior user experience with its own user app.  These are two clear advantages over the Sonica, but, perhaps, still not enough to compel the upgrade choice. 

Both units offer wireless connectivity and remote control....so my decision hinges on the difference in sonic results between the two.  Again, I appreciate nekoaudio's suggestion that I hear the Lumin and compare it against the Sonica before making my decision.  I'll try to do just that, provided I can find a dealer that will allow a home trial.  
@jreale if your local dealer doesn't offer in-home trials, you could also ask if you could bring the Sonica DAC to them in order to do a direct comparison.