Ortofon Per Windfeld Load Impedance?

I'm curious to hear what load impedance other PW owners are using for this cartridge. My manual recommends > 10 kOhms which I suspect is a print error. I notice that the dealer sites are recommending >10 Ohms.
Dear taylor514: +++++ " and will have to rely on my hearing to determine which sound I like best. " +++++

Your hearing almost always be your best " judge ". The measures tools help to tell us what is happening in our system ( links ) because like in the cartridge load impedance it is common that what you like at hearing are not close of what it should be in theory through measurements and this could help you to try and find where in your system is a " trouble ".

From my experiences and IMHO loading a cartridge with a internal resistance of 4 Ohms , like the Windfeld, with a preamp set-up of 1000 Kohms makes no sense to me, this could tell me that maybe something is not totally fine in that audio system, unfortunately I don't have that cartridge to test it in my system and I can't be sure about.

Regards and enjoy the music.
That comment Raul about relying on my hearing was said in good humour of course and I understand the need of reliable tools to help trouble shoot a system. I look forward to comparing different settings when my phonostage is upgraded and changing load settings is a bit easier. Thanks for all the interesting comments and advice.
No, I am not kidding. Figured he had some other wonderful reason for the name. I wouldn't think principals of anything but garage companies would contribute here. My goof. So T is this pre in the same league as your buddy Raul's? Same performance history as your other hero Alex? Nevermind, I'll check it out myself... Meanwhile, I keep foraging for that white paper...
11-21-08: Zieman
So T is this pre in the same league as your buddy Raul's?

I have no relationship with Raul, nor do I have any experience with his
preamp. Nowhere have I ever posted as such.

It appears you're attempting to throw out another insult as you put Atma-
Sphere together with APL...suggesting Atma-Sphere somehow has poor
customer service. Anyone with even marginal experience in high end audio
would know this is is as far from the truth as could be possible.

With each successive, ill informed post, you to lose credibility.
I've followed this thread. At times, it was informative, humorous, and enlightening.

Now, my question is; My Grado has a resistance of 2 ohms, they say to load it at 47K. Should I load it at 50 - 100?

Think I'm going to go try it...