Ortofon Per Windfeld Load Impedance?

I'm curious to hear what load impedance other PW owners are using for this cartridge. My manual recommends > 10 kOhms which I suspect is a print error. I notice that the dealer sites are recommending >10 Ohms.
I remember promising Fail entertainment value... T, don't mess with my Triplanar buddies...
T, don't mess with my Triplanar buddies...
Zieman (Threads | Answers)

Triplanar buddy? 'Ya mean the guy whose reference preamp ya didn't know
about two days ago even though his comp'ny name is his Audiogon moniker?

Hee-haw! Thought the one messin' was you, Cleetus. Cain't figger yer
writin' out sometimes. Hard to reckon who-n-what yer talkin' 'bout.

Get back to us terreckly on that white paper, 'ya hear.
Thank You J. The whole idea behind these forums T is to assist folks like you in getting up to speed. Thanks to you again, J.
11-22-08: Zieman
Thank You J. The whole idea behind these forums T is to assist folks like you
in getting up to speed.

When you've provided some bonafide help, insight or education, I'll be the first
to offer my genuine thanks and appreciation. Thus far though, too many of your
contributions have been ill-informed or incorrect, and unreliable. Therefore, I
read them with due caution.

Still waiting for the white paper report on phono cable impedance.