Ortofon Per Windfeld Load Impedance?

I'm curious to hear what load impedance other PW owners are using for this cartridge. My manual recommends > 10 kOhms which I suspect is a print error. I notice that the dealer sites are recommending >10 Ohms.
My post was only the exact answer that the designer of my phono preamp gave me because I was curious that the load phono is not matching with the cart. The entire phonopreamp was build with that cartridge in test, and when I hear the result it is quite amazing, dead quiet, detailed, dynamic and I realy don't see how to do better.I am no audio engineer but I am very fussy about s high quality of sound in my system.. Tron is equivalent to Tom Evans in england I heard both and like both. TW Acoustics (Raven TT) use Tron as reference. So I think that Mr Tricker is a respectable engineer and what he says must be taken with consideration.
Even if what he says doesn't match with your audio preconceptions it might be interesting to see why he says that load with tubes is less important than with SS. And why his phonopreamp is sounding so natural. Like music.
Boy oh boy, it is really mounting here... Wagering on the outcome of Fail vs the world... I've gotta go with the world. LOL.
Everything I've said is correct Zbag.

OTOH, you've been wrong consistently as pointed out by Ralph, Raul, Jonathan, Tvad, me, and every knowledgable person.

However, you seem to excel at casting aspersions, name calling, and insults in general. Those seem to be your strengths as you consistently duck the issues at hand and divert attention from your lack of understanding with snide remarks and worthless posts.

How's that white paper coming along?
You forgot the entertainment value! Glad to see you and Raul have made up. Two peas in a pod... LOL
At one time we used this forum as a learning tool.Now we have someone like Zieman come on board,make statements without basis and tries to take jabs at others whom are much more knowledgeable.Fact is the only white paper Z is familiar with is hanging on a roller in his bathroom.Or is it his outhouse??