OTL amplifiers

Can anyone explain to me, in layman's terms, the advantages or disadvantages of OTL amplifiers? I have heard a lot about them, but have not listened to any to date. I am really a tube fan and want to reach tube nirvana and don't know if OTL is the way to go. Are they suitable for all types of music? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Clueless and Tubegroover, nice posts! Thanks!
P.S. Ever had a Futterman blow up on you ?
Those were the days...today, as TG has noted, the amps are much more reliable.
Detlof. You had a Futterman blow on you?

I am reading through the Rosenberg book (from the Sherod thread) on Tube Electronics the last part of which is a long presentation (ad for?) Futterman amps. There was a recent thread here re warranties and everyone was impressed with Bryston's 20 years. That's small change.

The good news is that Rosenberg's book clearly states that the Futterman amps carry a "lifetime warranty!"

The bad news is I'm not sure if they meant your life of Harvey's.

You'll enjoy the book. It has a picture of the pressure cooker Futterman used to prepare the varnish to varnish his power transformers which he then "put on the window sill to cool."

Times have changed.

I remain,
OTL's are usually more expensive, have many tubes - expensive tubes (high current triodes), consume a lot of power, may not perform the same with different speakers, and may not even work with some speakers. Those are, in very general terms without a specific make, the downsides (inconveniences, IMO). The huge advantage is the absence of the output tranformer which means the total harmonic distortion is almost non-existent. That's what gives 'em that incredible sound.

I disagree with tubegroover about a disadvantage being that they run hot. That' a characteristic of Class A operation, not the OTL topology.