Out of Control

I was looking at one of my highend mags the other day. And looking at the spec's of some speakers and find it hard to believe the outragous prices. I mean does it really get that much better at 10k, 15k, 30k and up. I've listened to speakers in the 25k range and was not impressed at all. I've been also looking at subs and some of them in the 1,500 and up catagory were paper treated, I always thought woven carbon fiber or poly was used for the top notch and whats with a class G amp in that sub when you spend 3k or better. Let's take power cords at 1k, I audioned one at home and took it a part, I can buy the same material under $100. I cannot really comment to much on amps, but some of the nicer ones above 3k have less parts, to me that means it took less time to build. Tweaks are another one I won't go into. Sometimes you just feel overwelmed. I was just wondering if anyone else gets a bit raddled about this. I know they have to make money, but lets be real. Just a bit bored today, so I thought I'd start a new thread. Don't get me wrong, I still have a few more pieces to add.......
I agree with the cost/ performance/ image arguments. But there is the fact that a "simple" ciruit means your signal suffers less degradation (loss/ glare/ grain/ EMI/ RFI/ gain/ "coloration" etc..) AND, the simple circuit designs more often than not are composed of components that are MUCH more expensive and/or exotic to manufacture than the garden-variety stuff you find in mid-fi gear. WE pay for the next generation of equipment when we buy the new stuff.

But... Back to the topic at hand. Out of control is right. Obsessive/ compulsive disorder is the flavor of the day. Some of the stuff out there is irresistable. Diffrent strokes for different folks. I drive a beat up Nissan minivan. I could have a new Porsche, and a spare Audi in the garage for just the cost of my source components and speakers. And I'm paying a mortgage on a house that's only 2 years old. It's not status for me. It's the hype behind the gear and the passion for "taking it to the next level". And as long as you don't go (too far) into debt, it's a relatively safe obsession, right?
Components with LESS circuitry in them are actually harder to build. This is especially true of amplifiers. Since the manufacturer has NO idea of what type of load ( speaker cables and speakers ) that the amp will be used with, he has to worry about stability, reliability, etc.. Building a very simple circuit that can deal with all of this is extremely tough and actually takes MORE time than using all of the gimmickry like feedback, etc...

As to the comments about wires, etc... I agree wholeheartedly. Why do you think that many reviewers refer to them as "wire bandits" ??? Then again, some of these specialty cables DO require tons and tons of hand labor that is quite time consuming. While it might not be worth hundreds of dollars per hour to you or me, someone WILL pay that much for it. It's the law of supply and demand. Demand something expensive and exotic and someone will supply it. At great cost of course.... : ) Sean
Craig,you are so right about the "simple" Pass Aleph's! I opened up my 3 after I got it for a look and I said "nothing there"! Cant believe this thing listed for $2500.00! The price sure isnt for the metal and whats inside.
I am very curious about the pass amps -- other than the air inside, do they sound good? Or is Pass a case study for "out of control?"
CWlondon--Pass does build fine products. I've owned the Aleph 3, and I was very impressed with the performance it offered. It's bass was a little weak, and it didn't have the headroom I needed, but it had the deepest soundstage I've ever heard and other attributes that make it a relative bargain at the used prices it commands.