Outer Platter Rings

Quit curious about outer rings, but now the two well-known products TTWeights & Universal Record Stabilizing Ring are both no longer in production. Are there other interesting ones?

Do these have a beneficial effect?

Thanks for the comments, perazzi28 & emailists. This could be worth checking out. But since TTW and URSR are no longer in production, are there other options outside of the rather expensive VPI?
I am using an HRX center clamp with a Wayne's audio outer ring on my VPI Prime. 

It it looks like the older tt weights. 

It is machined with precision and does the job perfectly. A good price too. 

About 2 years ago I bought NOS TTW 2.5 lb. ring weight. I wouldn’t be without it and use it (with a center weight) on all records, though when they are demonstrated it is often with badly warped ones and it does make some formerly unplayable disks sound very good. As an aside I wonder whether a PERFECTLY flat record actually exists.

Everything is improved with it. I use it on an original VPI acrylic-lead platter. It secures the disk to the platter far better and far more easily than the VPI screw clamp. It also adds flywheel. It makes light weight disks sound like heavier ones. I have paid more for smaller improvements.

They’re expensive but a lot of lesser improvements are as well. TTW is out of business but as stated above Wayne Audio (no connection) is manufacturing a similar device, "Turntable Outer Ring", formerly available on Audiogon and still available on ebay.
Will Wayne’s audio  outterring work with Hanna el cartridge it’s a low rider , on the first run out groove . It’s 05 mm the cartridge rides lower, any one use the combo together. thanks
I have one for my VPI Prime.  I use is for warped records only and it only works properly on the bare platter, i.e. no mat.  So it gets used sparingly.  I hear no benefit sonically for flat records.  The long and the short of it is that is is of limited benefit.