
If Pandora Internet radio on an iPad was going to be your primary source, what kind of system would you put together to play it, without having one that far exceeded the quality of the source?
I run my Squeezbox Classic though a Cambridge 840c CDP accessing the internal DAC via coax cable. The 840's DAC is far superior to the Squeezbox'. This way I get the advantage of a great DAC for both CDs and Pandora listening all in one unit. Sounds great!
"what kind of system would you put together to play it, without having one that far exceeded the quality of the source?"

Depends on if your a music lover or equipment fanatic (right brain/left brain orientated if you prefer). Either is fine but will result in a different answer.

For the music lover (me), I sometimes run Pandora thru a 40K amp/pre combo into Magnepan 3.6's. That's a "little" out of whack in the cost ratio but it works for me. I do use a a dedicated dock that takes the digital stream straight out of the iPad or iPod Touch into my own DAC then to the preamp. Sounds great but because it's "radio" the sound will be vary depending on the song they are streaming (GIGO). Sometimes that is very good but even the worst is ok and I'm still using the "free" version, soon to upgrade to Pandora One.

You said "primary source" so my suggestion would be: As good a system as you can afford and include a dock and DAC.

BTW, I thought it was a very good question.
Sfar - What I was intending to say (correctly or incorrectly) is that my receiver indicates that the Pandora files are 128 MP3 files. Am I understanding that if I pay the $34 per year I will get higher quality 192 MP3 files or will the same quality files just stream faster? Am I completely confused as to what my receiver is telling me?
Mceljo - What your receiver is telling you is correct. If you're listening to the free Pandora service it is sending files at 128 kilobits per second and if you upgrade to the premium service you receive higher-quality 192 kbps files. That's unrelated to the speed of the streaming.

Whether you can hear the difference or whether your system can resolve the difference is a different question but with my modest setup I can hear and appreciate the higher bitrate.