Paradigm Reference Studio vs. B&W N804

How would you compare Paradigm Reference Studio 100 V.2 with B&W N 804 for music (wide variety)and HT. Associated equiepment is Sony NS 777 ES SACD, Bryston SP-1 and Anthem MCA-50.
Yes, I'm a Canadian and yes, I too love my Paradigm 100's. I compared with B&W's before I bought my Paradigms. The Pardigms just had a feeling of rightness to them that the B&W's lacked in my opinion. In all fairness the two speaker sets were not in the same room connected to the same electronics but in rooms next to each other. As a Canadian I did get a much better price on the Paradigms relative to what I would have spent for a comparable imported speaker. Having said all this I still thought the B&W's to be good speakers - I looked at several models. A common thing with the Paradigms is that they are demoed with fairly pedestrian electronics. Good upstream electronics including a HIGH current amp really show off what these babies can do.

A friend of mine has JM Lab Electra 936's. They are worth over $5k (Northern Pesos)more than my speakers. While I admit that they are a better speaker overall than my 100's I don't thing they justify the price difference for that money - my buddy, however, did.

The Paradigms have published specs both industry reviews and Paradigms that demonstrate a very flat response curve. I don't find my speakers in the least bit "warm" but very neutral. With good electronics they show off great recordings well enought to bring a tear to your eyes. On bad recordings you will ask what the hell was anyone thinking about when they EQ'd/ Mastered/ etc. that album. They will show the worst on bad recordings warts and all. This is because of their neutrality. Poor recordings are relying on bad sonics on the playback system to neutralize their poor sound recording.

Take some of your favourite CD's representing a good mix of music and go and audition both. Take your time and keep notes. Ask the sales person if they have any speakers similarly priced that they think you should audition and keep an open mind. In the end, buy the one that makes you happy and don't worry too much what anyone else thinks.

If you do go for the Paradigms then get the real wood veneer because you will regret it down the road if you don't. Above all, remember that speaker auditioning is great fun! I still do it from time to time even though I have no intention at this time of buy a new speaker. I may buy a new speaker in the future but it would have to be considerably better than my 100's and I will have to have a much greater amount of money than I do now.
Yes, I did buy the Paradigms- and I like the sound so far ( maybe because it's Canadian all around, except the Sony), but kidding aside Paradigm had 100 V.2 powered by Anthem electronics at the last Home Entertainment Show in New York, which drew some rave reviews in the press, besides I think that Paradigm bought Anthem not so long ago. Regards.
Paradigm bought Sonic Frontiers who manufactured high end tube gear like my Line 1 line stage. Anthem was a "value" line spawned from Sonic. Sonic Frontiers has quit manufacturing their tube gear for over a year now and the Sonic Frontiers line has been discontinued altogether. Anthem exists to produce high value decent electronics for all those speakers that Paradigm builds.

I am not sure what the reasoning is for the discontinuence of SFI but it is a shame as they were well regarded. I picked up my Line 1 used last fall and am still very very happy with it.

Have an Anthem MCA 20 amp powering the 100v2's and am happy with it as well. I wouldn't mind a better amp but would have to spend a minimum of twice the money to start getting a better amp.
Go for Paradigm...I am in the UK..I even chose Paradigm Studio 100 over B&W...Don't hesitate...
Another vote for paradigm reference studio 100v2.I try it with b&w N802 and I could not find 6k difference between them.Remember that if you pay less and get more is more closer to truth then spend more for no reason.And I do not think it is importent that you you are Canadian or however.
I also use sonic frontiers line 2 pre amp and I love it so much and I just want to keep it forever pluse I am not Canadian.
Good luck