Paradigm Reference Studio vs. B&W N804

How would you compare Paradigm Reference Studio 100 V.2 with B&W N 804 for music (wide variety)and HT. Associated equiepment is Sony NS 777 ES SACD, Bryston SP-1 and Anthem MCA-50.
Go for Paradigm...I am in the UK..I even chose Paradigm Studio 100 over B&W...Don't hesitate...
Another vote for paradigm reference studio 100v2.I try it with b&w N802 and I could not find 6k difference between them.Remember that if you pay less and get more is more closer to truth then spend more for no reason.And I do not think it is importent that you you are Canadian or however.
I also use sonic frontiers line 2 pre amp and I love it so much and I just want to keep it forever pluse I am not Canadian.
Good luck
I have found that the better the associated electronics and cables are, the better the Paradigms will sound.They have tons and tons of potential!They are not embarrased by using MEGA-BUCK gear with them at all.I was considering selling mine and upgrading, but after using my recently purchased Pass Labs X 2.5 preamp, and borrowing a friends Pass Labs X 350 power amp, I changed my mind!WOW, did these speakers open up and sing!They were truly Awesome and Mind-blowing when paired with the Pass gear!My jaw dropped!No way am I selling my Paradigm Studio/100 version 2's now!
Now if I can only come up with a way to purchase a Pass Labs X-350 power amp!!!
Just auditioned both in same room same gear, tried each with Classe and CJ stuff. Ended up buying the 804's. Thought the Paradigms were much less detailed and a bit less smooth. Bass, maybe lower exteneded but less controlled. Downside of 804's may be some brightness, but, i think that can be fixed with right amps, cables. For what it's worht i heard the thiel 1.6's as well in the same room and did not find them involving at all.