Paradigm speakers

Hi, I been seeing that there is not alot of talk about Paradigm speakers. It it because of built quality or price point ratio? Thanks
Probably because they haven't introduced anything really new lately, at least as far as audiophiles would be concerned. Looks like they're introducing a new Prestige series geared toward home theater, so may be some press soon for those but not likely to generate too much interest here.
Just over a year ago I heard a system with a pair of the Reference Signature S8's on the end of it. It had a Light Harmonics Da Vinci DAC at the front end, a JE Audio Pre-amp, and was driven by a pair of Anthem Class D Statement Monoblocs.

The session was helped by the fact that the demonstrator avoided plinky plonky Jazz, and played a lot of my kind of music - mainly hard rock/heavy metal!

I wouldn't claim to have either the best ears or the widest of listening experiences. But.. I've been to a few shows and dealer musical evenings and this system hit the spot for like no other I've heard, including ones that would have cost twice its price. The speakers obviously played their part!
Everyone who I have turned onto Paradigms have been absolutely smitten by them. (I have yet to have someone NOT buy them, and I am not a dealer, just an audio friend, after taking them for a demo). Not cheap and not too expensive, they punch WAY above thier weight class. They are resolving and deliver the goods which set up right and coupled with good amplification.