Parasound Halo A23 paired with Peachtree Nova 125

I recently acquired a used Halo A23 from a local buyer. I also have a fairly new Peachtree Nova 125. As I mentioned in another thread, I recently bought B&W CM10s and found the Peachtree to be a bit too bright and lacking just a bit on the bass (the CM10s have an additional base driver). However, I really love the DAC in the Peachtree and am quite satisfied with the overall clarity and detail.

So the question is if its worth spending $$$ to buy a Parasound P5 preamp or use the Peachtree as the preamp/DAC in combination with the A23. I mostly listen via a digital source (iTunes via Airplay/Apple TV) and don't really need phono or other features of a typical preamp.

Problem is that no dealers in my area actually have the P5 in stock, so there's no way to do an audition. Of couture, I can buy it from Audio Advisor which has a decent return policy. But I don't want to go through the hassle of shipping it back if it doesn't work out.

Trying to figure out if the improvement in sound will be noticeably better if I get the P5.

Any advice will greatly appreciated.
Those gain knobs are usually supposed to be at full so the volume can be controlled by a preamp. I think you'll be really happy with the marriage of the P5 and A23, plus you get a DAC built in too.
Looks like you found an amp that is making your CM10's happy. And your ears too!

Congrats on selling the Peachtree so quickly and ordering a new P5. Sounds like your going to have a very nice, well balanced system for years to come. Until the urge for an A21 comes along. Dreaded upgrade spiral!
This all due to the wonderful advice I got here. You guys are awesome!

I'm still waiting for the P5 to arrive. Will post my impressions once I get it and hook it up.

As for the urge for an A21, I'm trying to keep it at bay ... at least for now. I did see a couple of listings here @ Agon. But a bit surprised to see how they've been priced. I can get a brand new A21 for maybe $150 more than what the sellers are asking, once you take paypal and shipping fee into account. Not sure if $150-200 in savings is worth buying a used piece of gear.