Parasound JC1's vs. Sim Audio W10

I am looking for amps to drive some MBL 101d's and wonder which of these two monoblocks would work the best. Or any other suggestions that you might have.
I also have to agree with daltonlanny about the JC-1's. I own a pair, and could not be happier! They synergize with my system really, really, well.
The Parasound HCA-3500 does at first sound more transparent, clearer, and livelier than the JC-1's, but over the long haul I could never live with them because they are slightly grainy and etched, and can become very fatiguing because of their high harmonic distortion.
I do feel that there is probably some room for improvement, especially in the mids and highs, cause nothing is perfect.
I however, do not feel that they are "closed in", "boring", or "lacking life" in the mids and highs at all.
In my system, they are all the things daltonlanny described above and more. They are very lively, extremely detailed, exciting, and sort of upfront in my system. Never dull!
If they are not fully warmed up or fully broken-in, they can sound lifeless, dull, and boring or closed down in the mids and highs.
I simply do not have this problem at all in my system with these amps. I luv 'em!
I can only report on how the JC-1's sounded in my system when I listened to them twice over a 6 mnth period.the second time last week the amps had done approx 500 hours - that should be plenty for any amp to show 95% of what it can do. Both times they were left on for several days, not hours. Standard power cords were replaced with Valhalla cords.
In my system the JC-1's were still towards the bottom of the list with the cj prem 350 just better at sounding more alive and musical compared to any of the bunch. I almost exclusively listen to vinyl, so if you listen to CD that would probably make the JC-1's sound a little more alive in the top end.
This does not discount that they sound great in your system - that is great that you are happy. variety is the spice.
Dalton / audio girl - approx how long before you found the jc-1's sounded getting towards their best?.

Me, living down in Australia can not afford to buy something on the hope that it will get better, you can only buy what sounds better at time of listening. In the US it is a little easier to swap gear if you are not happy via audiogon etc.
Believe it or not, it took mine almost 1,400 hours to fully open up. Its a real pain in the ass!
I left them on 24/7 for 60 days. Thats also what Bob Crump, one of its designers, also recommends.
For the first 20 to 30 days they were thin and bright, then they became dull, rolled-off, and boring as you described.
But, after about 1,300 hours... BOOM...they opened up with a vengeance and snapped to life! I was amazed to say the least! They still have to "cook" for 6 to 8 hours [warm-up] to sound their best.
Glad you are happy with the Conrad-Johnson premier 350. I have heard alot of good things about them. I would love to audition them in my own system, and especially in Audio_girls system! She has an awesome set-up.
If you did not live so far away in another country, I would consider swapping amps for a couple of weeks just for fun.
But you live so FAR away!
Enjoy your amps...its all about music and what makes you happy.
Happy Listening, my friend.
I'm not doubting that the JC-1's are a nice amp, in every respect. It has a very rich lineage in terms of the designer, circuit lay-out, voicing and parts quality used.

Having said that, when one hears a well designed low / no global feedback design that is well implimented in a system, there's just something about it that a higher global feedback amp seems to lack. You can call it "liquidity", "air", "separation of notes", "life", "sparkle", "midrange palpability", etc... but it is both noticeable and quite audible.

This is not to say that there aren't amps out there using high amounts of global feedback that produce these sonic attributes, but to say that i've never heard one that could deliver such things in both the manner and quantity that a low / no global feedback circuit does. In effect, you CAN have a very good tasting cake, but that doesn't mean that the cake couldn't be just a bit better in certain areas.

Having said that, not everyone likes or desires the same attributes in a cake OR audio gear, so the bottom line boils down to personal preference. Many times, personal preference boils down to what one has been exposed to at the time and / or the listening ability of those involved. As one's experience and education evolves, so does their ability to judge the products on a more even footing. Not only does this change their perspective, it also changes their criteria for what is best suited for their needs and desires within the confines of their system.

Having said that, at this level of performance, we are splitting hairs here. It is kind of like admiring the shimmer and glow in the hair of a beautiful blonde, the rich dark contrasts of a brunette or the fire and sheen of a red-head. All have their drawing points and can be beautiful, yet each is different in their own way. When you find the one that you like and admire the most, who can tell you that you should like one of the others better? While it is true that variety is the spice of life ( don't we all wish??? ), finding something that you can live with over the long haul is both comforting and enjoyable.

Kudo's to you that have done so and are comfortable with your decision. Beauty is obviously in the eye ( and ear ) of the be-holder, so don't take anyone else's criticism of what you have or desire too seriously. If one product ( or human being ) were "perfect" for all situations, there would be no need for the amount of diversity that enables us to make the choices that we have open to us. No product ( or human ) is created equal in all areas, so we have to pick and choose the traits that are most important to us.

As i've always said, buy and use what you like. You're the only one that's going to be using & listening to it on a regular basis. Whether or not i or anyone else like it is trivial at best. Most of us that visit here regularly realize that, and we are simply comparing personal notes & "shootin' the breeze" : ) Sean
Lanny. Yeah, we live a little too far to swap equipment - at least amps :).
1400 hours is a little too long for anyone to be expected to wait, unless you have all ready put down the mula.

time to put on some more music