Parasound JC3 or Ayre P-5xE

I am looking to upgrade my phono stage and am considering the Parasound JC3 and the Ayre P-5xE. I would appreciate any input comparing these two. I mainly listen to jazz and classic rock music.
Did you read the reviews on the JC3? It appears to be very nice. I think it's a dual mono design, but there's not enough options for input impedance. I think you would be limited to cartridge selection. Check out Primare's new phono stage, too.
Ayre products are a different level. They all are balanced designed and therefore should be used with balanced interconnects and connected to other balanced equipment to get the best from them. They will work single ended but its a shame not to get all that they are capable of.
Any one actually using the Parasound JC3? Would like to hear from current users and their thoughts.
No one has used the jc3? from the reviews it would seem like a giant killer but who really knows!