Parsound ZDAC kind of blowing my mind...

I was offered a nice deal, so I took a chance on this DAC, thinking it might be a good stop gap while saving up funds for something better. It replaced a Behringer DEQ2496 I had connected to my Mac Mini. (In my system, the Behringer sounded BAD, exhibiting all of the worst characteristics of digital sound). My files are AIFFs stored on an external drive, and I'm running Audirvana Free on the computer. Before going the computer-based route, I had a Sony 5400 that I really liked (I sold it to finance the computer and an iPad).

Anyway, it's only been a week or so, but I have to say I truly was not expecting the ZDAC to sound so good. I don't want to get all caught up in the typical audiophile subjective terminology, but this thing has dynamics, is clean and clear on top, full on the bottom, and truly allows me to just relax and settle into the music. And yes, I am hearing parts and details on (very) familiar recordings I never noticed before.

I am a bit intrigued to hear how a "high end" DAC might sound in comparison, but, honestly, as good as my system sounds now, I intend to live with this DAC for a long time. Nicely done, Parasound.
Hey Jonathan1257,

Congrats, on your new DAC. I'm a staff reviewer for and did a review on the ZDAC. Take a look at my review, it's in the archive section now, for details why I gave it five stars and believe it competes with much more expensive DACs.
Yes Teajay, your positive review was one of several that led me to try it. Thanks again.
It's always nice when you stumble upon "giant killer" components.....when you are up long hours playing material that you haven't heard in a while and now it sounds brand new, better than ever....then you know your money was well spent.
yes, Parasound has always known to be a giant killer for all the years that I've known its products. This time at RMAF2013 I got a chance to briefly meet the venerable John Curl finally. I'd heard a lot about him w.r.t all the good work he did for Mark Levinson (person & brand) & all that he continues to do for Parasound. So, it was nice for me to put a face to a name....
Enjot the ZDAC. Maybe it's zzz DAC for you! ;-)
I am definitely that guy who falls asleep if the system sounds good. Waking up always scares the crap out of me, though, and the system seems really loud, even when it's not. Weird.