Pass amps + Power Cords ??

Anyone find nice synergies btwn their Pass amps and particular power cords? Anything to avoid ?

I have and x150.5 paird up with a PS Audio Statment SC. It's OK.
Macdadtexas, you're reading more into what I wrote than is required.

I wrote nothing of discerning taste, nor did I suggest that he should have a crappier system. I think it's valid to suggest that there may be other aspects of his system's sound that he cannot detect, but that doesn't mean to suggest that he shouldn't own a system of any quality level he chooses to own. He can certainly save money on power cords, though.

Hearing acuity differs from person to person just as our other senses differ.

Do I hear differently than you? Probably. Do I hear better than you? I wouldn't say so. However, perhaps I do detect things you don't since our perception of the effects of power cords differs.

Your position on the topic is crystal clear. There's no interest on my part to debate the issue with you because we are both intractable.

Why so militant?
...btw, despite my position on the benefits of power cords, I stand by my earlier statement in this thread that the Pass Labs amplifiers I owned were fairly impervious to power cord swaps...unlike other amplifiers I have owned.
I have Tara Labs Cobalt PC on my XP-20 Preamp, it does make obvious difference even X-20 is two-box design, in every aspect of sonic performance, compares to the orginal Shynyata Anaconda CX.

I also try this on my X-350.5, only subtle change compare to Preamp.

I still keep Shunyata Anaconda CX on my X-350.5
I learned something about my Pass Labs X350. I have a dedicated outlet for my stereo. It has it's own 20 amp breaker and 12ga wiring to the hubble hospital grade outlet. I use the factory power cord with my amp, but I have a MIT power cable on my CD player and a Cardas hardwired power cord on my preamp. I haven't tried different power cords on my amp based on comments from various people about Pass Labs amps being pretty much impervious to cords. Anyway, back to what I learned. I have my front end powered through a power conditioner but I had my amp plugged into the outlet direct w/o conditioning. After listening to some Patricia Barber CDs that I recently bought, I was getting a bit irritated with sibilance. Some of her CDs exhibit some strong sibilance and that got me tuned into it. So I tried plugging my amp into the power conditioner and found not just that the sibilance diminished but also the highs smoothed out noticeably. I am much happier with this arrangement and I really haven't detected any down side to having the amp plugged into the PC. So, power cords may not affect Pass Labs amps much, but Power Conditioning seems to matter.