Pass Labs X Series

Has anyone auditioned Pass Labs X series amplifiers (600 or 1000)? A number of people I've spoken with say these are the best solid state amplifiers to date. The dealers in my area do not Demo these units so I must rely on reviews and other opinions.
Thanks for the input, its greatly appreciated. Someone told me Pass Labs was more neutral by far than the Levinson equipment. This surprised me.
Please feel free to contact Pass Laboratories at 530-367-3690 if you have any further questions about any of our products. Thanks for your interest in Pass! Peter Perkins, domestic operations, Pass Labs
Buy the Pass X600 amps for these reasons: 1. All things being equal, more power is better. Greater soundstage. 600 WPC. 2. New technology. 3. Much less expensive in comparison to ARC, Levinson, and Krell. 4. Rave reviews. Never a negative word said. 5. Pass has always done something magical when it comes to amplifiers. Good Luck - I am buying the X600s