Pass Labs

$85.000 & 65.000 Amps  The extreme high gone nuts
  I would imagine that the price of some of the Pass Labs amps might be more affordable if they did away with those meters.
  I sometimes wonder if Pass Labs gets a "pass" when it comes to how often there gear measures up short of their own specs when tested by Stereophile. I would have thought that at the asking prices that meeting specs would be the least that sould be expected.
I think meters should be required on all power amps as an esthetic thing, and to show that solid state amps aren't dead (I prefer tube amps as they glow…they at least "look" alive). Also, in spite of how THEIR amps measure, over the years I've heard Pass gear in many systems that sounded outstandingly musical, and the First Watt stuff Nelson has come up with more recently is brilliant.